10 Tips to Becoming Charismatic

You’ve seen it in the movies, at a social event, even at high school all those years ago- that person who is very charismatic, to the point where you feel a pull to want to be around them. Charismatic people excel at attracting, influencing and inspiring people (Collins Dictionary) but it is because they do it with total awareness about who they are that it’s impact is so great. You very rarely encounter a charismatic person who lacks self awareness, its the vulnerability, honesty and their ability to make you feel like you is enough that makes them addictive people to be around.

For many people learning how to be charismatic is something they desire because they too want that influence on others. You are reading this very blog for that same reason. How do those people lure others in? There are 10 traits and abilities of the charismatic, if you want to learn how to be charismatic yourself here’s how you go about it.

Step 1. You must believe in yourself and your abilities despite any flaws you have, this will radiate to others and create a bubble of instant acceptance for others to simply be themselves also.

Step 2. Choose to have a positive attitude, focus on the good and bring positive energy to various situations. Be that person who asks, so what went right?

Step 3. Listen attentively. To be honest everyone loves being the centre of the universe, listening allows this to be reality. It will also help you to understand others more, build empathy and create expansive social networks, so put some effort into really hearing people.

Step 4. Be empathetic. You cannot take on everyone’s emotions but you can learn to appreciate where they are coming from.

Step 5. Develop your funny bone. Tell jokes, break the ice with humour, make people feel comfortable in the process.

Step 6. Be yourself. This is the most significant of them all. Charismatic people do not aim to influence others so easily they just do it by loving and accepting themselves. If you are trying to impress its likely you won’t be. So yet again…be yourself!

Step 7. Communicate clearly and express your thoughts effectively. The clearer you can communicate your thoughts the better. If you find yourself confusing others, fix the communication issue in person. Most of all, communicate in person as often as possible where facial expressions, tone of voice etc can be interpreted. It also shows you value quality communication.

Step 8. Use your hands and be relaxed in your body language. You or I will rarely walk up to someone with their arms crossed by choice. In our brain we have already decided on the risk associated with approaching someone who at the very least appears to have all their walls up. Help others know you are warm, welcoming and great to be around, keep your body language open.

Step 9. Lead by example. If you don’t agree with something respectfully say so and be unafraid to share why. Act on the values you talk about with others, this will help others to feel that you are a genuine person (because you are!)

Step 10. Be adaptable and flexible. Don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill. Consider how the approach you have with others in your social circles, at work or during networking differs.

BONUS STEP: SMILE! We are drawn to a smile more than we are a frown, so cap it off with this killer facial expression!

Did I miss any things that you notice in charismatic people? Pop them below and share!

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