How hating positivity is a sign of a symptomatic society  

 In 2019 how any disorders have you heard of? Two, twenty, or thousands? Society loves a disorder. Diagnosing something makes us feel secure and safe. It helps us to label a problem instead of being personally accountable for our own behavior This week I learned that if you believe in the power of positivity you have a disorder, shut up already.

This disorder addiction is blatantly indicative of a society that suffers the symptoms of a lack of responsibility. It permeated so far even to the wellness and life coaches of the world who now spout that there is no place for positivity and that it’s harmful and why? Because society is focused on 2 things:

1.       Being politically correct

2.       Running away from responsibility

If we make rules to be politically correct its society that says anyone who’s different is wrong, if we create an ‘in moderation’ rule to positive thinking (let’s face it that is what it is) we don’t have to responsible for:

1.       Our moods or attitudes

2.       Creating our own reality because we can stay exactly where we are

As a confidence coach who experienced trauma to be where I am in am 100% baffled by any coach or psychologist that could suggest that positive thinking could be negative. The power of positive thinking is why I am not buried 6 feet under today. Perhaps other coaches have not hit the lowest of the low to actually understand how it works or perhaps there is still some inner work to do. You see I don’t believe life is an all or nothing mentality, it never has been. There has always been shade. You will always have down days, that is the very nature of life and to be honest a complete no brainer- for that very reason no one can simply believe that an all or nothing approach applies to positivity, it simply lacks awareness entirely.

The truth is in any situation positive thinking works. The reality is positive thinking isn’t superficial or fickle like some tout it to be. It’s not:

‘Everything’s great’

‘I love this awful situation’

Sometimes its simply acknowledging that this too shall pass and what is to be focused on the most are what the benefits are as opposed to feeling the sadness and pain and prolonging it because you actively choose to see no positives. This is why I am baffled by health professionals and coaches saying positivity isn’t good for you or the belief that it leads to depression, let me yawn now. This is incredibly misleading.

What leads to depression is:

  • Lack of awareness

  • Lack of self- love

  • Lack of responsibility and personal accountability

  • Focusing on the past or future and not the present

  • Having a problem-focused mindset, not a growth-focused mindset

  • Not having a person you can talk to when you need it the most and hence bottling up your emotions.

Positive thinking has been proven for years (thousands in fact) to affect the body and the soul. Doctors have acknowledged that a poor mindset provides physical ailments. They, therefore, emphasize the importance of dealing with stress and communicating emotions. They also emphasize the importance of doing things that make you happy, enhance your mood as well as surrounding yourself in an environment that is positive. If you want to label yourself or others with disorders go right ahead but it won’t make you free, it’ll put them in a cage- just ask the kids that have been put on medication since 7 years and 2 months for behaviors that are easily fixed with simple, clear boundaries that they love and crave.

We aren’t creating happy people with these diagnoses or disorders we are creating a symptomatic society full of irresponsible unhappy human beings with drug addictions. It’s time to make a change.

Labelling people has never been easier, but while this occurs mental health still declines so the question must beg: are the medical professionals and ‘wellness experts’ helping or hindering mental health?

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