Make the first move

When you get stuck in life the best advice you can ever get is to make the first move. Often, we wait for perfect conditions, we wait for our emotions to be completely changed to something happier, but we ignore the benefit of finding something that can impact our mindset way sooner than we would think.

Not long after starting coaching I recall having my first client who had an incredibly traumatic past. I didn’t know whether I could help them, ‘What if I’m not healed enough to help someone else?’ At the time there was quite a lot of rhetoric around the coach being perfectly in check before they help anyone and people who weren’t were getting slammed on social media. Naturally these external voices made me doubt myself but I started anyway. I told the client what I’ve now told many- I may or may not be able to help you, let’s see how the session goes, how we click and go from there, after all you need to feel comfortable with me and able to open up or it won’t work.

When the nitty gritty details of harrowing trauma were shared with me, I expected myself to cry but I didn’t. ‘How is that possible? I didn’t even get upset?’

The reality was the coaching session wasn’t about me, it was about helping someone else. I realised that helping someone else helped me in more ways than one- I learnt more about myself as a coach but I also could pay forward the help I received from others when I was struggling and I loved that.

 Are you stuck on something right now that you feel better about by simply making one decision? Can you make the decision ‘what will I do to begin?’ If so, make it and simply start.

Hands up if you can take the first step? 

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