Seeing possibilities instead of failures

Your brain is a magnificent piece of software designed to protect you, it wants to see risk, it wants to warn you of failures it’s go to is not ‘look at the possibilities’ this is why you need to choose to do this for yourself.

Life is full of possibilities but what if you see the possibility to fail instead of the possibility to succeed? It is going to make success a harder journey for you isn’t it? This is where the human mind is fascinating, it wants to protect us from risk, it wants to warn us that we mightn’t be accepted for the changes we make, it essentially wants us to play small. Here’s the thing: the mind isn’t a fortune teller so it actually doesn’t know what the real possibilities are.

Seeing possibilities instead of failures

In a study by … and …. It was discovered that the gut and the heart have the greatest capacity to understand not only risk but also desire. These organs will indicate to you whether or not you should run to something or away from it and it does this inexplicably. Most people have no idea why they want to talk to someone or why they want nothing to do with them, but our body knows, right down to individual molecules in our body and because the knowingness is so strong we listen to it. Our brain unlike our heart and gut needs to learn a different way of being, of seeing possibilities and not just risks and it does this through rote learning.

Everyone has an idea of what success and failure is. You also have an entire library of perceptions created from your experiences so far. It is these perceptions that alter your mind’s capacity to see potential. Put simply you can look at someone dressed completely in black walking with their head down and you can think ‘criminal’ or you can see someone who is self-conscious, a Gothic fan, a person who’s been to a funeral or someone with immense wealth. The more possibilities you see the greater chance you have of seeking an opportunity for happiness and success.

When you feel you keep seeing failure as the only result it’s because you have a one-track mind. You need to learn how to play multiple tracks. This take practice and the best way to do it is to think of situations you encounter and brainstorm all the possible solutions. When you do this and put no limitations on what the possibilities are your mind becomes expansive and can see opportunities galore.

Next time you find yourself feeling negative, scared or in fear of failing ask yourself: what could go right? What amazing success stories could come out of this situation?

You never know what you are truly capable of until you have tried so either quit while your ahead and always feel like you failed or open yourself up to the possibility of greater health, happiness, love and success. The choice is yours.

Julia TraskComment