Why you need to book a cruise this spring!

In 2009 I began my traveling adventures with a cruise, today I continue it ready to embark on my second cruise and I am just as excited as I was all those years ago. When I first decided to take a cruise I was positively peer pressured by my parents who had already enjoyed the experience, so I hit up my friend Toni to join me and off we went, on 7 nights around the South Pacific cruising with P&O. It’s 100% fitting that 9years later I am going on a cruise to the Whitsundays with the same friend from all those years ago. To celebrate the occasion and take my mind of how damn excited I am I’ve decided to pass on the positive peer pressure to you in the hope that you to will enjoy the experience and get to see some of my amazing home country, Australia.

Why cruising will sweep you off your feet.

When it comes to the cruising experience where can I honestly start? It is insanely awesome. You pay for your meals, entertainment, transport, and destinations all in one price. It is a seriously affordable holiday that allows you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. This is the exact reason why I have chosen to go on a cruise after working hard, virtually non-stop (without holiday, not even Christmas day) for the past year, I simply don’t have to lift a finger. I am catered for.

The entertainment is fantastic, complete with a crew that is multi-talented, often appearing in a variety of different shows instead of just one. You can gamble, play karaoke, listen to and participate in comedy shows, see music gigs, experience cocktail mixing displays, dancing and more.

As for the food. The food. WOW. It is insanely good. Now keep in mind that I am still heading back to memories of 9years ago, on my cruise this week I will experience a different level of cruising. First of all, the boat is far more advanced than the Pacific Sun which I first traveled on, the restaurants seem to keep getting better and better (from other family members’ accounts) and the options are growing. What I love most about the food though is that your 3-course meal is included in the cost and it is high quality. Of course, if 3-course meals are being waited on isn’t your style then you can still get everything you want in pub meals, cafes, and more low key options. For me being looked after and fancied over is what a holiday is made of.

Needless to say, this is why I love the pool decks, spas, sunbeds, adults-only areas, and in house wellness retreats. Once onboard you really do just grab a cocktail sit back and relax and boy o boy does it feel absolutely amazing. This time around it feels my slothing will be super divine given the seriously hard work I have been doing in my business the past year.

There is a secret to the super divine holiday of the cruise through- it’s completely disconnected. I do not have to post anything to social media, see anything online at all. Now yes you are probably thinking ‘you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to’ but here’s the reality, if I don’t have an internet connection unless I pay for it I will not use it. This means I can blissfully holiday without a care in the world, no messages, emails, phone calls, just space and time to recharge and that to me is the epitome of a perfect holiday.

What’s an ideal holiday for you?

Have you been on a cruise before? Who did you cruise with?

Till next time,

Julia xo