10 Reasons why someone is lovable

When your confidence takes a hit you tend to start noticing people with confidence more often, getting envious and even jealous that you were them. ‘She has it so easy, look how confident she is!’ Truth is, having confidence isn’t as easy as deciding you want to be confident and then it happens. Those women you are envious of have put in the work, to love and accept themselves and be an all round awesome human being. You can have ease, feel confident and enjoy life more too when you understand what makes others fall in love with you easily. Here are 10 traits that makes anyone lovable.

  1. Kindness and empathy

    When you are kind to others and have compassion for their plight it is very hard for someone not to fall in love with you. In its purest form it is giving without expecting anything in return, committing truly random acts of kindness (to randoms) and learning how to be kinder to others by understanding more about who they are, what matters to them and how they experience life. People who are kind to others are usually very well respected, people want to be around their caring attitude.

  2. Honest and authentic

    You were fed a lie in highschool. The ‘cool kids’ aren’t cool. They are struggling just like everyone else, they just tend to push down what they want for their desire to be liked by many. Individuals who are popular and well liked become this without trying. They are honest about who they are and what they care about, they are true to themselves. Others know that if someone is going to try and steer them off their course that they probably won’t follow because being true and honest to themselves is the most important thing. In conversations with people regularly they need no facade because they love and accept themselves and they understand that for most people what they see isn’t what you get (eg fancy attire might mean colossal credit card balances). Honest and authentic people automatically treat people with kindness because they know judging yourself is easy but loving who you are is the golden ticket to happiness.

  3. A positive attitude and sense of humour

    Lovable people ooze an attitude of positivity. They don’t believe that life is always easy but they always appreciate life, make jokes, have fun and choose to look for a bright side or a fresh perspective.

  4. A genuine interest in others and good listening skills

    When someone shows that they are curious about someone else, ask questions and pay attention to what they are saying others appreciate them more. Due to their attentiveness spending time with them doesn’t drain your energy, which is part of the reason why you want to be around them. You also know that if you share a concern that they won’t shrug it off.

  5. Compassion and understanding

    When someone is compassionate towards others they feel respected, cared for- like they matter. Someone who has self compassion has an ever increasing capacity to be compassionate to others. They understand how important kindness is and how it helps others develop their self compassion. Most significantly, they don’t expect impossible perfection which is refreshing.

  6. Supportiveness and encouragement

    Lovable people love to support others, they are about community. If you are trying to succeed at your goals they have your back. They want you to succeed, they’ll encourage you when you are wondering whether it is possible because they’ve been there too.

  7. Thoughtfulness and consideration

    A thoughtful person thinks about others and considers what is best for all, they don’t just push their own agenda. This means that sometimes they compromise but they would rather that than be inconsiderate or selfish. For a lovable person it doesn’t matter whether you know the person or not, thoughtfulness and consideration is just what you do as a great human being.

  8. Confidence and self-assurance

    Lovable people know who they are, they like themselves and they accept who they are. They know what they capable of and can trust in themselves. The self-assurance they have means that they don’t need others to back them before they back themselves, the trust that whatever the outcome they’ll learn and become a better version of themselves. Because the confidence comes from a place of authenticity they draw people to them, help others to like, love and accept themselves which makes them a magnet to others.

  9. A sense of responsibility and reliability

    Lovable people do not bullsh*t themselves. They know that what they have in their life is directly related to their effort. They understand the more they take responsibility for things instead of blaming others the more their life changes for the better- even if it feels uncomfortable to accept responsibility for how they feel. Lovable people also understand what the responsibility of poor actions lies with others, so they focus only on what they can change- their response. They are reliable because being responsible creates a high level of accountability that others respect them for.

  10. Good communication skills and the ability to resolve conflicts respectfully.

    Last and not least, lovable people care about relationships more than winning conflicts. They communicate clearly, understand how important it is and endeavour to become better communicators regularly. They apologise when it is warranted and aren’t afraid of boldly stating how they feel, they simply own it.

Everyone on planet is lovable. What makes individuals appear more attractive then others is their commitment to fostering these traits on a regular basis. Next time you wonder why someone else seems to have things easily ask yourself, which one of these traits can I display more often?

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