#EachforEqual with Harriet Bratt

Today’s blog is graced by Harriet Bratt an International Speaker, Mentor and Warrior who encourages others to do what inspires them through teaching confidence, communication and connection. Harriet was first compelled to be a business owner when she was searching for more flexibility and lifestyle but the passion for her mission came when she experienced her own transformation and she desired to help others step into their personal strength and unleash the Warrior Within.

This year International Womens’ Week centres around the theme of #EachforEqual which gets us to think about 
Each of us can, and must, play our part in making violent conflict, poverty and gender inequality something of the past.”  What does this mean to you?
I believe our part is to take full responsibility in being the difference that we want to make. You can support, share, give guidance but we cannot change others, however others will change when we do.
Lead your life from love, be kind and take total responsibility (with a supportive tribe) - for your path in this existence. Stand up and live as your best self and let your example ripple, inspire and allow contribution to be part of your path! 

 Why do you think International Women’s Day matters?
It unites women to stand in their truth and remember we are all equal. It is important to remember and acknowledge the women that stood up to support our equality in the world.

What is the most important thing you feel all women need to know?
YOU are more than enough, you are powerful, you are strong, you are a wonderful woman with EVERYTHING you need inside.  You need to develop that belief, even more knowing within yourself to live life on your terms, bring your unique gift and balance the energy for a more compassionate & loving universe.

Women in leadership has changed over time. How are you playing your part in this process and what do you feel still needs to change for women to be recognised as leaders in society?
I am playing my part firstly by leading by example! Living in my own life the teachings, practices and habits that allow us to step into our best self! Then by using my voice as a speaker. Spreading the message to more and more around the globe. Leading a community of Warriors and standing up with strength so others can to. I deeply appreciate the power of tribe and support in a woman’s journey to personal power, inner peace and fulfilment so we have a network that is focused on everybody rising together, Leaders creating Leaders. We endeavour to make everyone feel seen! 

How have you turned a moment where someone tried to disempower you as a catalyst for positive change for you and women around you?
At this stage I am open in sharing any previous pain or moments of disempowerment as I understand that everything - the good, the bad, the ugly - is all part of who I am, what I have, and how I am able to help others.
Even when it doesn’t feel like it, all pain can be turned into power, we need to understand how to manage our awareness and mindset and remember that we cannot always control what happens to us - but we can always choose our response.

Women cannot be the only ones changing the perception of women in society because then only half of the world is focussed on a solution and we only have half of the strength in our communities as we could possibly have. What role do you think men need to play to change the way women are perceived, treated and experience their world?
There are many men (and it continuously grows) that are supportive of women stepping into their strength, of course not everywhere yet - but it’s developing. A deeper approach that will connect and bring further unity for both sexes is to also speak on the power of humanity as a whole. Oneness. Everybody - no matter your gender rising in their individual power yet connected energy. Together we are stronger. It’s not about fighting the men that are not - its about demonstrating how beneficial women stepping into their power can be for all. It is a journey that is growing in awareness and momentum.

Some countries still have archaic views on that way that women should behave, what they should do with their life and what is an acceptable way for them to behave. Why do you believe some people have these beliefs, why do you think society struggles to accept a strong woman?
If we bring this out to a bigger perspective for a moment - we as humans - have 60 - 70,000 thoughts every day. By the time we are 35, 95% of these are automatic.
So we all form our beliefs, attitudes feelings and behaviours from these thoughts. In certain societies and areas it has “been a certain way” for SUCH a long time that people are conditioned to a certain way of being wether it is ‘right or wrong’
They do not see it as right or wrong - it is just seen as ‘normal’
So as this change enters - there can be resistance. That is why it’s important not to “fight” as this can engage more resistance. Instead we should connect and facilitate change through choice and love so it is more readily and widely received. 

Why is it important for women to be leaders?
To demonstrate we are all equal and that everybody has a message, a power, a greatness within. Whilst of course men can as well, generally speaking women will bring more compassion, love and kindness and I believe this is the vibration and energy that can make this world an even better place. 

A question which is often topic of discussion amongst parents of young girls and people who discuss safety for women in society vs men. This is a superb answer from Harriet.
What are the unfortunate realities that young girls need to learn that young boys are not subjected to?
I would, with love and individual perspective question the wording of this question.  “Unfortunate realities” Language is powerful and starts to mould thought - which as we established earlier creates our feelings and behaviour - therefore results. Your reality is created by your perspective. Victor Frankl shares a book about being in the Concentration Camps - unimaginable pain, suffering, being stripped naked, whipped, seeing people die around you, including ones you love and yet because he chose Faith, hope and managed his mind to believe he would survive - he did. There is a strong connection with those that survived in how they perceived the circumstance. I think as women, as men as PEOPLE we WILL all experience a different path and realities, highs lows, pleasures, challenges, etc - however we ALL nurture and come back to our 6 human needs. Women need to be aware that we are “different” to men yet we are equally as important - everybody is. Grow and blossom as your true self, receiving both the blessings and the lessons as part of the journey .

 How do you teach the men closest to you about the plight of women?
By continuing on the path of equality through peace. Sharing our differences through grounded communication and acceptance. Again, knowing it’s not our responsibility to change them - it is our responsibility to be the best woman we can be - and theirs to be the best man and in this total ownership of self and compassionate compromise for each other we will create stronger, deeper relationships with the men that are closest to us.

Do you think men who don’t support equality for women fear women being powerful and successful because they don’t understand the benefit of strong, educated women or do you feel it’s more concern about an impact to their ego? Is it something else entirely?
There are probably many different reasons and we would have to ask those men to be sure. Perhaps there is a level of fear, perhaps they are so conditioned to being a certain way they are not accepting to the change. Ego lies in all of us and especially with men there is a tendency to what to be ‘the best, the strongest, the most powerful’ so the idea of a woman challenging that can be difficult to accept.

Do you feel the life of a woman is as valuable as the life of a man in your society?
Absolutely yes, of course 1 million percent. I deeply believe that every life should be valued and from my heart & would love for everybody, especially women to look at themselves in the mirror, connect with themselves and just KNOW deeply how valuable, amazing and incredible they are - no matter where they come from, what they do, or what has happened in the past. Here and now you are powerful.

 If you were a confidence coach for 1 day what 1 piece of advice would you give women?
MARMITE! For anyone that doesn’t know - this is a spread you can put on toast, potatoes - whatever you want. You might be thinking - what does this have to do with confidence? Do I have to eat a lot and BOOM - Im strong! Ha ha!
There was an advertising slogan that went with Marmite. “Some people will love it - some will hate it”

One of the biggest reasons we don’t live in our true essence, especially women, is we become so fearful of what everyone else things of us, a fear of judgment - or the disease to please as Oprah calls it that we either put on a mask or we don’t take action.
Understand that some people will love you, some won’t, some will agree, some won’t and thats ok.
There are over 7 1/2 billion people on this planet! There is no normal - so be yourself, do what feels right to you and spend time listening to the people that support you and say thank you but no thank you from a place of understanding - to those that don’t.

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Empowering Warriors Tribe


Worrier to WARRIOR
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