Posts in Blog
No BS Barbie

When I first started business I was told, don’t tell people what they need tell people what they want to hear. Only problem is I think life is full of that bullsh*t. I see it in the coaching industry a lot. Relationship coaches suggesting that you’ll find your husband or wife in 12 weeks. Business coaches who promise you 6 figures before you’ve signed up for their program or had an onboarding call. You get the gist. Now don’t get me wrong I love a transformation but usually when someone comes to me they are sick of the BS in their head and or their life, they don’t want any more BS.

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Self esteem, self worth & self confidence- what's the difference?

Self worth, self esteem, and self confidence are three concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they are actually distinct and important aspects of our mental and emotional health. Understanding the difference between these three concepts can help you build a healthier, more fulfilling life and confident life.

When an individual exudes self-confidence it is clear that they know their worth. In action, they do what matters to them most and they leave those things that aren’t behind; they have time because they know where their effort is best spent and they no longer people please or entertain other’s vision for their life before their own. Self-worth is the foundation of confidence.

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How to captivate an audience in social settings

Are you looking to intrigue your audience to get them to be magnetised to who you are in any social setting? If so this blog post is for you.

You are going to a social event and you want to captivate the audience you want them to notice you but not just notice you almost ogle at you in admiration. You've seen it in movies where they craft this scenario where the man or the woman is watched by other people- everyone's drawn into their gaze and are curious about who they are to the point where everyone wants to know all the details.

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1% shifts

The concept of 1% shifts is phenomenal. It makes achieving goals incredibly easy to breakdown. However most people still don’t make the 1% simple enough. I approach the 1% method of goal planning to that of Biomechanics- because I’m a nerd and I love the science behind it. In Biomechanics every tiny little action has to happen in order for you to have one fluid movement that creates the greatest performance. Every single action is connected. It is exactly the same for every goal you have.

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How to create a goal you can sink your teeth into

Achieving a goal is something everyone desires, especially high performers but what happens when it’s something you have to do versus want to do? How can you sink your teeth into it and experience success?

Buying a house, falling in love and experiencing success at work are 3 of the greatest aspirations people all over the world have regardless of their background however the smaller goals that comprise of these significant achievements requires you to hone your goal setting skills in a way that making them possible is easy. Read on to learn how.

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I'm afraid of being lonely...send for help!

‘I cannot believe that you can go to the movies, that you can take yourself out to a restaurant, attend an event will be seen solo on such a big scale how do you do it?’

Loneliness is something that nobody wants to feel as human beings we are designed to be social beings. We are designed to need other people. When we find ourselves alone it can be really daunting- what's wrong with me? What is no one want to spend time with me? Why is no one initiating catch ups with me is there something that I did wrong?

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How do you let go?

Letting go is one of the most challenging things for high performing individuals because we like to be able to do whatever we can to help the outcome be the way that we want it to be we want it to be as best as we possibly can we want to see if there are ways we can change things to improve them but life is not all about improving things all the time and making things better at analysing them. In some senses the amazing personalities of high performers set themselves up automatically to be challenged by the practice of letting go.

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What to do when your ex moves on first

When you break up from a relationship the last thing you expect is for your ex to move on really quickly but unfortunately sometimes that happens. You know that you don't want to be with your ex you know that they're not the right person for you you know that they don't bring the best out of you and that staying with them would be a mistake however you can't help but think how are they able to move on an I'm not?

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10 Healthy Boundaries you need

Boundaries help you feel happy, safe, healthy and confident. They are the requirements you set out for yourself and others, a checklist of health, happiness and success if you will. For most people the boundaries they have are a direct copycat of their parents. This is effective when your life values are the same as your parents but for most they are not. As modern society evolves our boundaries must evolve too. Without defined boundaries that evolve with society and your identity over time you may find yourself feeling stuck in a rut. To help you define boundaries for yourself, here are 10 Healthy Boundaries you can communicate to yourself and others.

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Inspiring quotes and affirmations to boost your self confidence

I just love inspirational quotes. The right quote at the right time gives me a spark of joy and a greater perception. It is usually exactly what I need to read right in the moment. Similarly, affirmations remind me to keep believing in myself and pursuing my greatest life. They ensure that I am self compassionate.

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10 Ways to Self Soothe

Self soothing is for adults as much as it is for babies. When you are angry, frustrated, sad, disappointed and disheartened you need a bag of strategies to help you regain calmness. The more often you can use these strategies as soon as you feel highly emotional the greater you can return to happiness. Here’s 10 strategies to self soothe you need today!

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Trust yourself!

One of the most common reasons individuals struggle being truly confident is because they lack the ability to trust themselves. This lack of self trust keeps them playing small, second guessing themselves or never fully committing to what they want. ‘But what if something goes wrong?’ This is what most people who lack self trust say on a regular basis. On the surface thinking through things thoroughly, reducing risk to yourself and playing small feels safe and secure but it is abundant in regret. Living a life of ‘I could have, should have’ isn’t the key to happiness so here are 10 ways you can work on your self trust daily.

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How to commit to a relationship if you are afraid of getting hurt

In modern dating you may hear people say that they don’t want to experience drama, they want something casual because they are done being hurt. Reality is, everyone on the planet has been hurt before. When you are single and not in a relationship you get hurt as well, by shutting people out and not allowing them to love you. But what happens if you want a relationship, but you are scared of getting hurt yet you don’t want to pass a seriously great person by? Here are 6 tips to drop the fear and open yourself up to the greatest joy: love.

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Reasons why you need a confidence coach

‘I need a confidence coach!’ This is the most common comment I received from others when they learn that I am a confidence coach. But happens if you aren’t aware of what a confidence coach does and how they can help you? Chances are you won’t reach out for help if you don’t feel that you need assistance. Some people think that a confidence coach simply helps you to become a great public speaker few understand that a confidence coach dives far deeper than that because confidence coaching isn’t about the mechanics of how to move (or do certain things) but rather why you make the moves you do.

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How to improve your self confidence

Do you wish you had greater self confidence? Many people can easily recognise where they feel confident and where they do not in their lives but how do you improve your confidence if you’ve never really felt successful in different areas of your life?

Confidence begins with self awareness, an understanding of who you are, what you do, why you are the way you are and your recognition that you can always find solutions to challenges and have done in the past.

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New Year, New Intentions...right?

You’ve entered a new year so surely you have new intentions for the following new, shiny 365 days right? Maybe not. For many people who maintain their confidence at positive levels a new year simply means continuing the great things from the previous year, dialling in on the intention and creating some small goals. How you start your year sets the tone for what is to come, so have you thrown the baby out with the bath water or have you started completely anew and what is best for you?

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