How to captivate an audience in social settings

 Are you looking to intrigue your audience to get them to be magnetised to who you are in any social setting? If so this blog post is for you.


You are going to a social event and you want to captivate the audience you want them to notice you but not just notice you almost ogle at you in admiration. You've seen it in movies where they craft this scenario where the man or the woman is watched by other people everyone's drawn into their gaze and a curious about what is next about who they are to the point where everyone wants to know all the details.


Captivating an audience is not wearing a fancy outfit it isn't having a Henry cavil or Kate Beckinsale on your arm, it is all about attitude. The most significant way you can captivate an audience is by being yourself. This means being prepared to share your positives your negatives things you are still being challenging on with other people that you just met. For many that doesn't come easy because it means having a level of self awareness love an acceptance it makes you unstoppable. It is the first step to captivating an audience though so if you really wanna do it you have to master those skills.


After you required these skills and qualities there are some key things you can do to make sure that you translate your message across really well to an audience especially if you are a guest speaker for example. You need to really understand your audience Sir if you are coming in as a guest speaker then you should really know everything about the audience you possibly can before you arrived, if you're turning up to a social outing where you really want to make an appearance you need to be prepared to come to understand the audience. So this means asking questions to figure out what is most important to them what they're motivated by what they enjoy what they dislike and connecting with them on those points of reference. Once you have this you can then dive deeper into a conversation as long as you approach each conversation with open ended questions.


Essentially, you're using your curiosity to drive the conversations your authenticity and transparency to help you maintain those Connexions and also share little bits of yourself as you continue to communicate in the social setting. If you add on a rocking outfit that you feel good in not what the audience would like a tall posture looking forward but being relaxed open body language and a big small then this is going to help you captivate the audience.