How you can be of benefit to others

Stop thinking you have nothing to offer, start recognising how much you do.


At different stages of growth business owners can find themselves wondering, ‘How can I be of benefit to others, I’m not a superstar, I am just me, do I have enough to offer?’ It can paralyse you from moving forward.


When you are a business owner you are going to second guess yourself, possibly at every stage of growth so you need to remember why you do what you do and how it helps others. To ensure that you help others in a positive way here are 10 tips I use from my own experience.


1.     Meet them where they are at- everyone knows what is going well and what is a struggle for them. Instead of assuming where they are at make sure you ask specific questions so you can give them what they want and need.

2.     Ask them what they want- some people know exactly what they want and others will communicate to you that they actually don’t know what it is they want but they know how they want to feel (whether it’s in a newly renovated room of their house, enjoying tastier homecooked meals or feeling magnetically confident). Define what they want.

3.     Ask them what they feel they need- it is likely that it will differ from what they want, it will be connected to their struggle. Keep in mind that your expertise may have a better idea about what they need. For example a woman might say to a coach ‘I just need to take the action and stop sabotaging myself’ whereas a good coach would direct you to focus on your mindset and strategies to assist the action first.

4.     Be reliable- turn up when you say you’ll turn up or communicate where you cannot. It is vital that calendars are up to date to make this happen.

5.     Be consistent- maintain your reliability, make sure that you follow your own advice consistently

6.     Be genuine- if you are not being yourself you will struggle to genuinely turn up for those you serve. They will feel a difference between your story and your reality, lessen the gap by doing work on yourself.

7.     Be prepared to learn about yourself and others- you may learn from the person you serve, and you may learn about what you like and dislike about your business. Take it on board.

8.     Be a role model for helping others- helping people is contagious, when you help people graciously and from the premise of serving it will show others how to do it, especially if being friendly, receptive and kind is something that the other person is needing guidance on.

9.     Don’t expect credit- it is common to ask for testimonials in business, don’t expect it and certainly don’t get annoyed if you don’t get it. Be happy about how you helped and remember the kindness will come back around to you one way or another.

10.  Express gratitude for the opportunity to help them- always be grateful for being permitted to be part of someone else’s journey. They didn’t have to choose you in this process.


What other tips would you add?

How you can be of benefit to others

Everyone on the planet needs a little kindness and they are looking for it. Use your unique characteristics, abilities and stories to help them. They are waiting on you.

Julia TraskComment