How to improve your self confidence

Do you wish you had greater self confidence? Many people can easily recognise where they feel confident and where they do not in their lives but how do you improve your confidence if you’ve never really felt successful in different areas of your life?

Confidence begins with self awareness, an understanding of who you are, what you do, why you are the way you are and your recognition that you can always find solutions to challenges and have done in the past. For years many people have focussed on how they can feel better in the moment, how to look confident, how to feel confident in social settings but these things rarely give you the skills to be confident about yourself. It makes confidence a fleeting feeling you want to chase.

When you develop self awareness you suddenly have clarity about what you would like to work on (within yourself and about your life) and what you know doesn’t need any extra attention. This self awareness gives you a boost of confidence, clarity and purpose for your life. The best way to establish self awareness is by examining each area of your life. At Magnetic Confidence we call this process ‘the life audit’. You can complete it by thinking about all different areas of your life or you can follow the eight dimensions of health and wellbeing. We like following the dimensions of health and wellbeing because we know that one area of our life directly impacts another.

Now, is it possible to feel confident in every aspect of your life? No. This is why we need each other. However you can develop competency in areas you otherwise deem a weakness that will help your confidence grow. It does this by consistently allowing you to check in with what is working and what isn’t and help you make improvements.

In our Ultimate Confidence Checklist there are 54 different statements broken into the eight dimensions of health that allow you to do just this. You can think about your physical, social, emotional, spiritual, mental, environmental, intellectual, occupational health and wellbeing and ask yourself how am I going? Why are these dimensions of health broken into eight categories? Because it allows you to look at areas of your life that impact how you turn up. For example, if your occupation is frustrating, isn’t teaching you anything new or completely drains you, you won’t have time for a social life, you’ll generally be more emotional and even the things that you think you are going really well with will be impacted by some point in time.

Using this checklist and taking a Life Audit at different stages throughout your week, month, year will help you see the growth you are having. You should be mindful to complete this exercise factually and honestly so that you ensure your confidence turns up from a place of authenticity. It is common for individuals to embellish or hide parts of their failures even to themselves if they feel it will help them seem more confident to others however hiding on to these secrets about how we really are going takes up more time, energy, love away from the joy we want in our lives. So, how do you think you’d fair on the Ultimate Confidence Checklist?

Complete it and pop in the comments how you went. If you’d like to have a chat about your results then reach out via Facebook messenger or email