Mental Health in the wake of COVID-19


Coping up with this new virus has had a cost in our mental health. Not knowing how to deal with it is making us restless, sometimes angry, and absentminded.  If you are feeling worried right now on what would happen to you or your loved ones in these trying times, know that you are not alone in this endeavor.

COVID19 had affected aspects in our modern society mainly economically, psychologically, mentally, religiously basically anything you can mention the virus had a profound impact. When will this end? It’s still too soon to tell how long this epidemic will continue. Fever, coughing, trouble breathing, fatigue, sore throat, headache, nausea, and diarrhea are just some of the symptoms of the virus. If you think you have it, we advise you to stay at home. If you’re having trouble breathing call your local doctor/hospital so that you will be tended to with medical help as soon as possible. Keeping up with COVID19 related news is also helpful as it contains all the necessary information that could help you, your family, and community but be careful not to over-indulge on information provided by the media, it may do more harm than good on your mental health.

During this trying time, try to use helpful mental health coping strategies such as having enough rest, eating sufficient food, engaging in physical activities (at home), and staying in contact with loved ones. This might not solve all, but it will definitely be an uplifting moment for everyone involved. Also, try to avoid unhelpful methods such as alcoholism, drugs, and smoking as it does not only affect your health but lowers your immune system capabilities which in turn makes you susceptible to the virus.

Know how to support people who are affected by both COVID-19 and mental health conditions by giving them moral, emotional, and psychological support and also linking them to available resources they can use in their ordeal. The stigma/fear is already overwhelming and can make these situations even worse than it is, might as well help others as helping others is a two-way street and makes us feel good as well.

To avoid burnout you will need to acknowledge that everyone has limits, pause and pullback so that you can reflect on how you should act for the betterment of yourself and everyone around you, let go of the feeling that “I NEED TO KNOW AND CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF MY LIFE” mentality and explore other means of relaxation to reward yourself.

Accepting that life is different right now and it’s just part of how life should be. Expect less from yourself and recognize that there are different aspects of sadness. Try to look for activities that fulfill you and if possible slowly build your “pandemic” bank account if ever something like this would happen again. Each of us should have only one goal in mind, to arrive on the other side in one piece and if possible offer kindness to others.

Investing and focusing on your mental health will help you go through with what is happening in the world right now. If everyone does this, it will drastically help make societies even healthier, economies recover and improve social cohesiveness.


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