Our Podcast, The Impact of Mindset, is Launching January 4!

I have decided to begin a podcast! This is a very exciting time for me, I’m really looking forward to hearing & seeing what you will enjoy about it.

The impact of mindset begins on January 4 2021. It has been a process I’ve been working on since October 2020 when I realise there was no need for me to hold back on the 2021 goal and that I should just do it right now. I’m so pleased that I have because we just days away from you getting to experience the very first episode of the impact of mindset.

I decided to create a podcast because I know that when myself and people are network with want to learn more about the personal development one of the best ways to digests that content is through a podcast. As a former teacher I love making sure that people can access the learning in many ways. I have the blog and social media that allows me to get rid of my creative writing prowess, The podcast allows me to practice my public speaking even when I don’t have an in person gig well also form and connections with other people that are just as passionate about personal development as I am.

Since I started learning about business in 2015 I’ve discovered a really interesting train of thought- we tell business owners to not want perfect in their businesses but rather to strive for progress yet we criticise anything less than perfect to the nth degree. This thought process is really bother me because every single person on the planet is a learner we are all lifelong learners when we recognise it. People and personal development will admit that they are not a finished product. Somehow we have a rhetoric that exists that strive for progress but let’s slam anyone that doesn’t look perfect the two trains of thought do not go together. Can I created the impact of mindset and was thinking about how I wanted it to come across to my audience I didn’t want a perfect podcast. I had enquired with people about how to create a podcast how to set it up so it sounds most professional how to get sponsored how to make money through my podcast and what I discovered was essentially if I waited for all those pieces to come together the podcast would never begin. On the back of the Covid meltdown essentially in my business and I do not have money just to pour into a podcast which I didn’t know was definitely going work or not. Now some people might say you never know if anything is definitely going to work and I understand that, but my point here is if I wanted perfection I wouldn’t have started- what I have decided to do instead is begin.

In the first episode of the impact of mindset I’m gonna explain to you that it’s not going to be perfect and I don’t want it to be. You see I don’t think confidence is created on perfection I think confidence is created on authenticity. I’m a confidence coach I don’t want anyone to interact with me whether it’s in a blog podcast in person or otherwise to feel like they have to have all the ducks in a row before they can start. Most importantly I don’t want to be the person that says you don’t need to have all your ducks in a row to start and then show them that I had all my ducks in a row to start. So the impact of mine is it begins with me with my laptop mobile phone voice memos the audio capability through MacBook Pro and anchor FM. I don’t have a fancy podcasting speaker. I don’t have all the bells and whistles of intros and Outros. What I have is a message delivered with clarity great people to interview and something that you can digest easily as you work, go for a run, Lie in your Hammock or take a stroll down the beach. Unlike other podcasts I’m not gonna have ads for you for 10 minutes within my segments. I will mention how I can continue to help serve you beyond my podcast and you should expect it but I’m not spending hours and hours on end making sure every tiny bit of noise is removed from the podcast. I believe in being an example and I want people to see that I am that example when I listen to my podcast. Just did you hear me say in episode one of the impact of mindset if you’re looking for a perfect podcast the impact of mindset is not for you if you’re looking for something real and it’s definitely gonna be up your alley.

And episode one I discuss my journey to becoming a confidence coach I speak about what you can expect across the course of the episodes and I help you think about what impact your mindset has in your life right now. I’m hoping that one day I will get to those 500 episodes and hit some of those amazing targets I’ve seen people that I love across the world have but for now I’m focusing on just delivering something that’s gonna help you. To get to those kinds of goals, to make this bigger and better than ever, to be able to serve as many people as possible, I would love it if you shared my podcast with other people, if you left a review and if you sent me a message to give me feedback on the episodes you listen to. I look forward to sharing with you my latest project.