Vicariously living through someone else’s fun

 As an adult do you ever catch yourself saying ‘I’ll just live vicariously through you’? Adults can become ok with simply witnessing fun instead of experiencing it, but it doesn’t mean that we are satisfied with the level of fun we have in our lives. Here’s how to add more fun to your life and stop vicariously living through others.


1.     Flip your routine on its head. Dessert before dinner, breakfast for dinner, whatever it is, break the mould.

2.     Get the adrenalin pumping with skydives, go karting, zip lining, abseiling, bridge climbing and more.

3.     Do a beer and wine tasting at home. Get people to bring a different bottle of wine or beer and accompanying snacks and try some things out. Or if you are tired of being at home and the budget isn’t restricted then hop from different spots in your local area.

4.     Go for a float solo, with a friend or someone you love. You can change it up with a sauna too.

5.     Do a ‘try’ night where you buy different foods you’ve wanted to try but never have and see what they are like. Just start early in the the night in case you don’t like what you try and you need a consistent option you are familiar with before the night ends. On a budget? Go to the grocery store and suss out what you are intrigued about, add it to your trolley or shopping cart and check out.

6.     Get sexy. Lingerie or bare butt movie night in mixed with an intermission of fun.

7.     Do Life Drawing…of your significant other. It will make each other laugh.

8.     Go to a comedy show or watch something on Netflix and dress up like you are on a Gold Class Cinema date but with better seating and more options for snacks.

9.     Drink at 10am. There’s always a discussion that ‘young people’ do this…rubbish. Anyone can.

10.  Have a champagne breakfast just because its Sunday and its your day off.

11.  Have a play wrestle. Don’t have a partner? Play wrestle with your pet.

12.  Get cheeky with your words with a hands-off rule. Make the time frame longer than normal and just hold off. You’ll embrace your teenage side.

13.  Sleep in/stay in with your pjs on all day and watch movies or a new tv series.

14.  Go on a picnic. Need variety or must change it up because the weather dampened the mood? Do the picnic in your loungeroom instead.

15.  Do a personalised scavenger hunt for each other that reveals new information about your partner when they’ve discovered the new spot. You could take them to places that have meaning for you around town or incorporate memories over your dating journey, you can even get cryptic and include a clever destination based off 1 or 2 sentences they once shared with you, proving that you really are listening when you communicate with each other.

16.  Play video games, board games. It’s perfect for singles, couples or friends.

17.  Role play. Go somewhere new for the day and give yourself a different name and persona. Embrace it and just see what happens. A new place doesn’t have to be a new location, it could be a new café or restaurant.

18.  Dress up for no other reason at all eg: buying milk. Contrary to popular belief people do not stare at you when you are overdressed they admire you while thinking about how amazing your life must be. It is when we go to the shop with no shoes on, no scrubbed teeth (hopefully not!), no brushed hair and look generally untidy that we get the stares.

19.  Walk out of the house with your card, your keys and your phone and see where you end up. If you end up in a new town and want to stay overnight buy what you need for that one night and enjoy the experience.

20.  Go to a transport place (bus depot, train station, airport), close your eyes and point to where you are going. Commit to the ride. See what happens. It could be an utter sh*t show but you’ll have a story to tell nonetheless.

What do you think of these ideas? I’d love to hear your thoughts and any other ideas that you may have.

I have tried these all out though I’ll admit I’ve met people who are more capable of embracing fun than others. The best thing we can do is to commit to it ourselves. Many of these tasks with minor tweaks can be made into solo or friends tasks that are a lot of fun. There is really no reason to miss out on the copious amounts of joy to be enjoyed in our lives. Get out there and LIVE!

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