You are Supported

‘I am not supported in what I do.’

Have you ever felt like no one supports your dreams? You are working your butt off to make your goals happen but no one is really on board like you would like them to? This is more common than you think. As leaders and entrepreneurs we often want people to be just as excited as us about what we are doing and why that we can struggle to see that we really are supported.

What does support look and feel like to you? At different times through your entrepreneurial journey you will want different kinds of support, sometimes you will want someone to b e a sounding board, at other times you’ll want financial help, other times you will want leadership advice, an experienced mentor or another team member. You may even want all of these things at once.

The reality is when you get in discussions with others about how business is going, you might find yourself discussing how your family and friends support you only to comment that ‘I don’t feel supported’ but this is rarely true. You most probably are supported just not in the way that you want to be right now. For example, you could be given time from your main employer to work on your business as well but not getting financial support. You are still supported. You could be getting financial supported but have no one to talk to about your struggle for work life balance or the frustrations about hiring others. You are still supported. You might have an amazing team who works hard but you don’t have a mentor that’s really helping you to increase income, scale your business or be a better leader. You are still supported.

The point is, support comes in many forms. It is important to have gratitude for how you ARE supported as opposed to focusing on how you are not. Once you focus more on the support you receive you will be able to receive more support from others simply because you have the heart to appreciate where you are at now.

Business changes all the time, who is supporting you now needs to be celebrated not forgotten. Business owners do not become successful by themselves, a community of service minded people assist them.

Lead the way and show others how to recognise support at all stages of business and be patient with how long it takes to get the support you need; your patience will be increased with an attitude for gratitude.

Julia TraskComment