Life lessons of an entrepreneur

Freedom is the greatest gift you give yourself when you become an entrepreneur. I'm so pleased I gave myself this gift.

It's been 2 years since I gave teaching up full time for my passion-fuelled business of life coaching and 3 years since I started building this beautiful business and I have no regrets. The past 3 years have been exciting, stressful (at times) yet truly incredible. There is so much I have learned since I began equipping myself with the skills to make this business possible. Today I wanted to share part of this beautiful rollercoaster ride of been on.

Experiences of the entrepreneur

  • 99% of people won’t understand why you do what you do, in fact, most will think you are some sort of crazy, delusional being.

  • 99.9% of people will encourage you to ‘get a day job’ – you know one that you are good at but not super passionate about.

  • Your peers won’t understand your work ethic unless they are also an entrepreneur.

  • Your courage will piss people off but it’s got nothing to do with them.

  • There is a thing such as good debt.

  • You are happy to sacrifice a hell of a lot to see your vision through, a sacrifice most don’t comprehend.

  • You won’t always know where the funds will come from but they will come in.

  • You will develop the epitome of a love-hate relationship with technology.

  • Confidence is your best asset.

  • You will detest and adore some customers/clients all at once.

  • You will often be thinking about 1000 other things besides ‘who won the football.’

  • Your circle of friends becomes exponentially smaller yet disproportionately more significant.

  • You don’t fear failure, you love what it teaches you.

  • You enjoy telling others to enjoy their day job, you’ll never have to do.

  • You never complain about 15-20 hour days again even if they are unpaid.

  • It’s a conscious effort to not passionately talk about your new life.

  • Your mind is a ball pit of exciting ideas.

  • Freedom doesn’t come at the price of happiness.

  • Your parents or family have probably hated you at least once.

  • You know what you want

  • Your systems are probably misunderstood and taken for granted by 95% of the populous.

  • You don’t give a shit about some random knowledge you don’t know because you are the knowledge source in your field and are committed to consistently improving yourself.

  • Mentors and big thinkers are the water to the sponge of a brain you have; you enjoy being around them frequently.

  • Cutting out people who do not support your life goals and happiness is paramount to success.

  • You often grin for 'no reason' according to others, because you've crafted a life truly lived on your terms.


Wanting to start a business living life on your terms?

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