Posts tagged Blog
Confidence is important in business

Over the past few years, I have worked with several businesses and networked with thousands more and the most common denominator amongst every business owner is that confidence is an issue for many business owners. Without personal confidence your business is under-performing there is no way of saying it any nicer. My job is to help you be happy, healthy, and more successful so if you are prepared to let go of control to see how much better your business can be keep reading.

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How Busy Mums Find Time to Workout

When I was pregnant I naively envisioned long luxurious coffee playdates, plenty of sleeping, and good long workout sessions every day. I don’t know why I even thought that was going to be possible, but wow wasn’t reality different! I barely had time in the day to have a shower let alone good long workout sessions! I soon became completely overwhelmed as I tried to balance the idea of what a workout session should look like with the reality of what I was actually capable of achieving. One more child later and I’ve finally found my sweet spot, so today I wanted to share with you 5 tips for fitting in a workout when you have a baby.

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12 signs you are lacking confidence

Confidence is often mistaken in others especially those who are extroverted or seem to have it ‘all going on’. Often bold confidence is described as something you either have or haven’t got, kind of like the X-Factor minus the singing. It is something that draws others to you without any effort on your part, trying to conjure up this kind of confidence is tough if you haven’t done the inner work to love yourself first. So how do you know what to work on so you can get some help breaking through your current confidence level so you attract bigger and better things in your life & feel comfortable where you are at? Here are my top 12 signs you are lacking confidence.

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Your WHY isn't what is sabotaging you

Millions of people across the world are currently in the swing of a new year working towards achieving their goals. Now that most of us have returned back to work after Christmas life has returned to its normal patterns which may have left you wondering whether or not your why is big enough to really achieve this year’s resolution. I’m here to tell you that your why has nothing to do with whether you succeed this year or not. Read on to learn more.

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How to keep your fitness motivation

Motivation isn’t something you discover one day and suddenly & permanently have. It is something that requires constant stimulus- I like to inappropriately call this poking or prodding. Without a good poke or prod, we easily end up back on Mehsville where we are simply ok, cruising along but inherently tasteless, bland, bored. This happens with our fitness routine, our relationships, our social life, and our careers. Change is necessary to bring about motivation. I’ve compiled 10 simple strategies you can use to keep your fitness motivation (plus added a few bonus ones in because why keep it to ‘nice’ numbers all the time aye).

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The 8 year old entrepreneur

Recently my nephew was asking ‘how do I make more money Aunty Joey?’ I love it when children ask these kinds of questions, it shows how much they are thinking about their future and how much they want to take control of it. In today’s society, I don’t believe there is a time that is too young to be having these kinds of conversations, especially if a child instigates it. The conversation was initiated with me because my nephew is fully aware of my prowess with the Facebook marketplace, so like the clever boy that he is, he went straight to the source and asked questions. I love that spirit. Needless to say, it was a great teaching and learning moment between us and an opportunity to impart so much more than just money beliefs to a child that will live in a society with the epic potential to make millions and get into millions of dollars worth of debt easily. Here is a snapshot of our story.

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Take nothing for granted

Have you ever been sick and just thought 'when will this all end?' Sometimes you can get so hung up on what isn't going right at the moment that you forget to count your blessings. This is why I adore gratitude. To take nothing for granted though we need to appreciate things in the present. This post is a short and sweet reminder to do just that.

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The Morrisons Challenge

When I lived in London and worked as a teacher the holidays were the worst. You heard right. Instead of relaxing, I found myself stressed constantly about finances. The concept that contract teachers didn’t get rewarded for their 15hour days really bothered me, it simply wasn't like that in Australia. A 2 week holiday always resulted in 4 weeks of stinginess because you were 'paid in arrears' and essentially had to wait 2 weeks before a decent pay would show up. This was stress that never went away

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Life lessons of an entrepreneur

It's been 2 years since I gave teaching up full time for my passion-fuelled business of life coaching and 3 years since I started building this beautiful business and I have no regrets. The past 3 years have been exciting, stressful (at times) yet truly incredible. There is so much I have learned since I began equipping myself with the skills to make this business possible. Today I wanted to share part of this beautiful rollercoaster ride of been on.

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Entitlement & Victim Mentality: a vicious cycle

'You should be making me successful!'

This phrase makes my eyes roll repetitively. Unfortunately, it isn't an infrequently heard phrase. It’s used by many individuals across a variety of generational age gaps, races, religions, and socioeconomic wallet sizes. 'You should be making me successful' are the kind of statements that prove to us that entitlement exists and responsibility and accountability have gone for a holiday. Sadly this relationship with entitlement leaves individuals with an inability to own their own success leaving them consistently frustrated at life, struggling to develop responsibility and personal accountability. To experience the success we must not give our responsibility for it away, here's how we can stop the entitlement and begin being happy little Vegemite again.

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Tips to Staying Youthful

For the past six years friends, colleagues, the public have always assumed I was 6 to 7 years younger than I am. I know that society, particularly women, are on a constant search to determine the elixir of life that keeps them looking young and youthful so I am letting some of my simple yet effective ways to look consistently half a decade younger out of the bag.

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How to choose a personal trainer

Let's be real the world of personal training is oversaturated. Everyone will say they are amazing, 99% of personal trainers will all have clients, 95% will all market themselves the same yet a far smaller percentage will be worth the time or money. When it comes to investments, your health, your body is the most worthwhile investment you will ever make so it’s important to get the personal trainer selection down pat. The post gives you some go-to identifiers to select the right PT for you.

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Fasted cardio- what's all the fuss about?

The latest fitness craze is Fasted Cardio where you essentially choose not to eat before you exercise, you simply get started. I'm going to be totally honest, I don't know why there is all of a fuss about it all of a sudden. I've been doing fasted cardio for a decade. It isn't a new concept. Here's why I enjoy working out on an empty stomach for those who might be considering jumping on the Fasted Cardio bandwagon.

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