Posts tagged financial literacy
The 8 year old entrepreneur

Recently my nephew was asking ‘how do I make more money Aunty Joey?’ I love it when children ask these kinds of questions, it shows how much they are thinking about their future and how much they want to take control of it. In today’s society, I don’t believe there is a time that is too young to be having these kinds of conversations, especially if a child instigates it. The conversation was initiated with me because my nephew is fully aware of my prowess with the Facebook marketplace, so like the clever boy that he is, he went straight to the source and asked questions. I love that spirit. Needless to say, it was a great teaching and learning moment between us and an opportunity to impart so much more than just money beliefs to a child that will live in a society with the epic potential to make millions and get into millions of dollars worth of debt easily. Here is a snapshot of our story.

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