20 fitness trends you must try

Every year almost on every week you hear of a new fitness trend that you ‘must try’. So what are the current 20 Fitness Trends and how can they help you improve your physical health and confidence this year?

20 fitness trends to consider:

  1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This will teach you how fit you really are. Often you work out hard for a short amount of time and decrease rest over time. The more quickly you can recover the fitter you are. It’s also very popular as you only need 10 to 15 minutes to get the benefits if you are working out with high intensity.

  2. Bodyweight exercises. An old favourite but a seriously underrated one. So many people especially with Marvel and DC actors looking ripped as (thanks Chris Hemsworth) forget how bodyweight exercises test out your fitness while eliminating injuries as no extra load is placed on your body. Instead you can learn different ways to challenge yourself as you get stronger with conversely challenges your mind as well!

  3. Strength training with free weights. One of my favourite ways to ensure that there is an even strength distribution across the body. When you are lifting deadweights or barbells you have to be conscious of your body’s capacity to raise and lower weights at the same time and also any weaknesses that you may have. You can do isolation exercises as well to get more even strength across and through your body.

  4. Yoga and Pilates. Hello flexibility and body challenges! Most people park yoga and pilates in the ‘easy’ category but it is far from this. Yoga and Pilates is mindful and challenges your body differently to any other training. Plus you can add a challenge of aerial yoga or heated workout rooms to get maximum benefit….and they always finish with a fabulous meditative practice that’s sure to leave you feeling zen.

  5. Functional training and movement. This is simply movement that you would do in your everyday life. So if you wouldn’t be standing in front of a brick wall hurling a heavy medicine ball then you don’t do it. You do however do things like farmer’s carries, squats and other things your body actually does when you aren’t at the gym. It’s perfect for toning your body for life. You won’t do anything that’s not practical, this is why many people believe it’s the best bang for their buck.

  6. Virtual fitness classes and at-home workouts. Hello flexibility! I am a big fan of these workouts because life just gets busy and sometimes getting to a gym and hoping you aren’t to late to snag the last spot is a bit too much after working at 10 hour day. Fitness done this way helps you to be more consistent and you don’t need to have your trainer in the lounge room with you either as long as you have an internet connection. How cool is that?

  7. Outdoor fitness and adventure sports. With more sedentary lives getting a rush of adrenaline is often desired. Zip lining, rock climbing, group fitness classes give us the benefit of being outside and moving our body while getting that adrenalin fix. It really is a win win! I completely recommend it for anyone who needs to spice up their fitness.

  8. Mind-body fitness (e.g. tai chi, qigong). This is perfect for people with busy minds that struggle to find a place of calm. Perfect for classic over thinkers and perfectionists it brings you to the present moment.

  9. Wearable technology and daily fitness tracking. The technology around health and fitness these days is phenomenal. You can exercise, track your health and save on doctor’s bills from a simple device. Some wearable fitness technology takes an ECG on a regular rotation, others take your steps, many remind you ‘it’s time to get moving’ which is great for getting the recommended 10,000 steps in each day.

  10. Group fitness classes and training with friends. This is perfect for people who need some motivation and know that working out with someone else will help boost their self-discipline an there are so many options of what you can do. Definitely worth a try for anyone.

  11. Personal training and one-on-one coaching. Personal training is something that will 100% change your life. You will learn about your physical strength, your mental strength and your resilience. For many people it is within personal training that they realise just how amazing they really are and what they are truly capable of. I recommend everyone has a personal trainer. You never lose on the investment you make on a PT unless of course you never turn up, so it’s just common sense to get a tailored made approach to YOUR fitness.

  12. Bodyweight resistance training (e.g. calisthenics).

  13. Circuit training and bootcamps. A way to work many muscles in less time without getting bored. It’s easily one of my favourites.

  14. CrossFit. CrossFit gets a bit of a bashing from the general public but if you want a loud, proud, challenging workout CrossFit is great for testing you. Give it a crack! I did and liked it but its just not one of my biggest loves (that’s got nothing to do with the movement itself though but rather more to do with the culture).

  15. Barre and dance-inspired workouts. In 2020 and 2021 I got addicted to learning hip hop, salsa and more. Its so fun, gets you out of your head and makes you feel so confident when you absolutely nail it! You’ll also get mid way through a workout and go ‘wow I’m working out soo hard’ but you won’t lack motivation to continue because it is so fun!

  16. Nutrition and diet coaching. You can workout till you drop but if you are feeding your body food and beverages that lack quality nutrition you will feel it…if not instantly, soon after. Diet coaching in my opinion isn’t about being on a diet but rather creating food plans that you can stick to, can consistently afford and that get you excited about eating food…because no one actually hates eating, let’s be honest!

  17. Aqua fitness and water-based workouts. Oh man I love the challenge that water resistance creates. Years ago I did aqua fitness as part of my premier league soccer pre-season training and when I played AFL 2 years I introduced this to my local AFL club. It is challenging but you get to be nice and cool. You also will find your knees, ankles, back, entire body will be supported by the water so the likelihood of walking away with an injury is limited.

  18. Sports-specific training (e.g. running, cycling). How good is setting a sports-specific goal and achieving it? Last year in December I helped over 15,000 enter an obstacle fitness competition in South East Queensland, why did everyone want to do this? An adventurous way to grow with other people and get fit at the same time. Similarly Botanic to Bridge runs or Stadium Stomp style activities allow you to give back to the community while also getting fit and the atmosphere is fabulous!

  19. Recovery and self-care (e.g. foam rolling, stretching). The slower ways to be healthy and maintain it have become increasingly popular as people recognise without recovery and self- care you cannot ask much of your body. Sven’s, foam rollers (I call my Sven as he’s like a massage therapist without hands), are very beneficial for aiding mobility and flexibility which always impacts how well your body moves.

  20. Heart rate training and heart rate variability analysis. Finding out what your recommended training zone (thanks fitness wearables) is and then challenging yourself to maintain this intensity per workout session per week is a fabulous way to know that the workout you are doing is having an impact on your health.

Overall, there are so many different ways to commit to greater fitness and build body confidence. It’s important that you find what works for you and try something different if you ever get bored because while these 20 things might be trends, the impact physical movement has on your entire health and wellbeing and confidence will never be a trend. It is a sheer fact that you NEED it to be your best self.