Posts tagged fitness
Ingenuity meets fashion

I got sucked in by the Rockwear sale. It’s really not hard, the company is incredibly inclusive, caters for women who have curves and is super down to earth. So needless to say when they have a sale I find it takes a lot of self control not to buy new workout gear. With Toowoomba hitting 0.3 of a degree when I rose at 5am to workout earlier this week it just made sense to purchase more tights.

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How to add exercise to your day

In society we have an increase in technology, we have an increase in convenience and we also have the means to increase our ability to skip regular exercise. Regularly skipping out exercise often makes us feel as though completing one workout is some sort of insurmountable task. The reality is, doing 10,000 steps is a very simple thing to get done. Read on to find out our strategies for adding exercise to your day.

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How to keep your fitness motivation

Motivation isn’t something you discover one day and suddenly & permanently have. It is something that requires constant stimulus- I like to inappropriately call this poking or prodding. Without a good poke or prod, we easily end up back on Mehsville where we are simply ok, cruising along but inherently tasteless, bland, bored. This happens with our fitness routine, our relationships, our social life, and our careers. Change is necessary to bring about motivation. I’ve compiled 10 simple strategies you can use to keep your fitness motivation (plus added a few bonus ones in because why keep it to ‘nice’ numbers all the time aye).

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