Reasons why you need a confidence coach

‘I need a confidence coach!’ This is the most common comment I received from others when they learn that I am a confidence coach. But happens if you aren’t aware of what a confidence coach does and how they can help you? Chances are you won’t reach out for help if you don’t feel that you need assistance. Some people think that a confidence coach simply helps you to become a great public speaker few understand that a confidence coach dives far deeper than that because confidence coaching isn’t about the mechanics of how to move (or do certain things) but rather why you make the moves you do.

People make choices daily that do not necessarily empower themselves, resulting in the age old question ‘Where did I disappear? I’ve lost myself!’ The reality is you haven’t lost yourself, you simply need to reconnect and that is what a coach can help you do while educating you on why this work makes all the difference to your health, happiness, confidence and success. Here’s 20 reasons why you can work with a confidence coach:

  1. To overcome self-doubt and insecurity so that you take action more consistently.

  2. To develop self-esteem and assertiveness so that you can speak your mind, stand up for yourself and get what you deserve in life (whether its asking for a pay rise or for someone to respect you more)

  3. To build and maintain healthy relationships and stop falling victim to the same patterns your parents and their parents have experienced.

  4. To navigate career and personal transitions. Your identity always shifts in these transitions and often other aspects of your health and wellbeing can become neglected in the pursuit of those bigger goals. I help people to have it all…sustainably.

  5. To improve public speaking and communication skills so that you can serve others more and with ease.

  6. To reduce stress and anxiety and the thinking that causes it.

  7. To overcome past traumas and negative experiences so you can move on with your life happily.

  8. To enhance self-awareness and personal growth so that you can connect with others better and recognise that life happens it doesn’t happen to you.

  9. To improve personal and professional relationships with others. This is one of the most significant areas because social connectedness is now proven to be the Number 1 thing that will help you to live a healthier, happier life. Not all of us have great role models, in fact many of us love our role models but there is something we would like to change about how we go about relationships and that change requires support from someone who is in your corner.

  10. To increase resilience and mental toughness because change is inevitable and sh*t happens. The more you can learn to bounce back the more joy you’ll experience.

  11. To achieve personal and professional goals. You want an accountability partner to guide you without giving you the answers so that you can own your success and failures and learn from them.

  12. To develop a positive self-image. You may have had your self-image impacted by a change in physical appearance, disrespect from others, absorbing unrealistic societal expectations and you want to get positive on your terms with support of someone who has been there and done that.

  13. To gain clarity and direction in life. Perhaps some of the same things keep happening, you start things and don’t continue them, you change your path often or you keep attracting certain type of people into your life and you don’t know why. Confidence Coaching will give you clarity on this and help define your direction based on YOUR values.

  14. To boost self-confidence in personal and professional settings so that you turn up authentically, vulnerable and are transparent in your communication.

  15. To develop healthy coping mechanisms instead of continuing to adopt coping mechanisms from your parents, siblings, friends that aren’t actually working.

  16. To create a more fulfilling and meaningful life. It’s easy to get into the hum drum of life and get so efficient at adulting that you don’t actually love your life. You are doing a set of tasks instead of living a life that lights you up.

  17. To identify and overcome limiting beliefs. Easily the most common reason why people seek out coaching at Magnetic Confidence. They can identify thinking that doesn’t help them, perhaps its a lack of self trust, a need for approval from others or these beliefs that keep them stuck (cue money problems due to poor money beliefs- probably 99.9% of people in the world).

  18. To improve emotional regulation and self-expression. Regulating your emotions gives you a calmer more peaceful life and allows you to express yourself in a functional way that allows you to keep your integrity irrespective of how someone treats you. So essentially others see you doing yourself justice more often than not and you can trust yourself to handle things.

  19. To enhance decision-making skills and problem-solving abilities and recognise that choosing something that is right for you isn’t selfish.

  20. To become better at forgiveness. Instead of holding onto to anger and frustrations you can forgive others easily and yourself, allowing you to view certain things in life like water running off a ducks back…something that happened but not something that has to hold you back or punish you for eternity.

Have you ever felt like one or more of these things could use some self improvement? Then reach out to me, book a call on the button below and let’s discover how I can help you because those things you feel are obstacles simply need a mindset and a set of skills to drive you to a happier, healthier, more confident life.