25 Podcast Episodes Down!

On January 4 we launch the podcast impact of mindset. It was incredibly exciting to begin the journey into podcasting for the very first time and interview people that are inspirational have great insight into their own self-awareness and can really motivate other people with their stories.

Since January 4 we have had 25 episodes and I’m incredibly pleased about how well it has been received. I first started preparing for my podcast back in October 2020 I had no idea how much I would fall in love with my podcast. The reality is that podcasting lights me up, I really enjoy having conversations with other business owners & high-performers and I adore getting great feedback from people about how they loved interviews with different guests that they really got something out of the content that would be producing as part of the podcast.

When I first started I had no idea how many episodes I get to. Be honest there are people that I follow in their podcast who are up to their 500 episode and I was like wow is that ever gonna be me? But once I started recording and probably got to about my sixth episode I was just stuck on it. Getting energy of other people that I engaged with being able to talk in a really relaxed conversational way to people was really really awesome. Many times since I’ve started my business I’ve been driving in my car and I’ve had all these thoughts and I would record as voice memos and I never did anything with them. I mean sometimes they turn into blog posts but the vast majority of the time they just sit there are voice memos. Didn’t realise till I start a podcast and I had actually been creating a podcast for probably about five years yet I’ve never used any of my content.

I guess that’s my biggest key takeaway to share with you. You may go about your every day doing tasks where you feel like you’re simply being productive but you’ve actually got another piece of content in you. When I look back at my voice memos to this day I have recordings from 2017. Is pure gold waiting to be uploaded as a podcast episode and it is a complete missed opportunity to not use that content. Business we often get caught up in her everything has to be perfect we have to have the fancy equipment, we have to have Our business at particular point in time before we make a podcast, we have to have an email list of a particular size before there’s a point to a podcast. So many limiting beliefs around what we should be doing in our business and when, I encourage you to ditch any of those beliefs that come up for you on a regular basis.

Through my podcast up to these 25 episodes I have met some amazing people that simply decided to be a guest through a couple of emails and engagement in a similar Facebook group & we became far more than just people interviewing each other. I meant business owners with books in them, people with incredible stories of insane resilience, brand evangelists for what I do, and human connection I never thought I would get in my business. It may Sound a little bit corny but the reality is when you go out to deliver a podcast for the purpose of serving people and connecting others you create a mutual respect based off service, valuing each other’s gifts & a desire to positively impact the world. Sometimes I think business can be so focused on how we earning income that we forget about these connections and we move away from things being authentic and instead become very transactional. I think this is why I love podcasts the most. It became really clear to me that people with the same desire to serve and help other people to create a positive impact would easily connect and give without no expectation of what must come from it so conversations could be pure and I think audiences definitely got a grasp of that certainly that’s what I’ve heard from the feedback that I’ve gained from people.

Over the rest of this year I intend to bring many more guests to you I’m really excited to celebrate my one year anniversary when it comes around in January 2022. Nobody that when in time will have an amazing community of podcasting guests that I’ll be far better at creating my podcast episodes that I have been since the start because I feel I’m learning Moren more each time and I hope that I will continue to grow the number of countries that people June in from the number of players per episode the length of time that people listen and all these metrics that sometimes we don’t measure so much because we are focused on something far greater.

Thank you to those who tune into the impact of mindset, you have really helped me have confidence with my podcast. I really love it, I hope you continue to love it. When you’re tuning in next it would be amazing if you could please leave a review so other people can love it just as much as you do. Thank you so much.