Confidence is important in business

Over the past few years, I have worked with several businesses and networked with thousands more and the most common denominator amongst every business owner is that confidence is an issue for many business owners. Without personal confidence your business is under-performing there is no way of saying it any nicer. My job is to help you be happy, healthy, and more successful so if you are prepared to let go of control to see how much better your business can be keep reading.


A lack of personal confidence affects how you interact as a business owner and a leader. People buy from people they don’t buy from a brand. For this very reason you need to have personal confidence as a matter of business urgency, here’s why.


Confidence will allow you to:

·         Act and not react

·         Accept criticism

·         Be an honest, reflective leader

·         Have boundaries and keep them to respect yourself and your health

·         Create a brand that people want to support

·         Be unaffected by your competition

·         Require validation from only yourself to keep striving for success

·         Push through challenges and not look to blame employees or customers for things you may have overlooked.

It is vital that you understand that it doesn’t matter whether you are almost bankrupt, making 6 figures or bringing home billions each year that YOU ARE UNDER-PERFORMING IF YOU PERSONALLY LACK CONFIDENCE, AWARENESS, AND SELF LOVE.

I’ve worked with CEOs who believe because of the title of their business people will work for them. I’ve worked in companies with big global brands who think that their reputation will help them succeed yet their staff turnover rate is atrocious so by that fact alone they are grossly FAILING in business from the get-go. I’ve worked within government organizations who think staff morale will improve simply by pretending to listen to what they have to say and then they become ‘shocked’ when staff anonymously report 20% employee satisfaction each year. I’ve worked in & with multiple businesses where employees do not feel they can share serious issues with their main boss, I mean the list honestly goes on and on. In 2019 it is simply not hard at all to set yourself apart from the rest as an employer in the modern world- have confidence, be prepared, to be honest, and accountable and people will want to work for you day in and day out, no fluffy extras needed, you’ll lure them in with the sheer class.

Now to the business owners…where are you with your confidence? I’d like to know whether you think it’s a great priority or whether you think your business systems and sales are more important. Please do share in the comments below.


Till next time,


PS: If you want some help identifying where your confidence is at & how you could improve it for your personal and professional benefit why not book a complimentary call with me today? Hit the button below for your FREE call.

The biggest clue to understanding where your confidence is at is by examining your body language. These social cues we often do not think about tell everyone around us how we really feel, it sets a mood for everything we do.