Posts tagged Personal development
I'm afraid of being lonely...send for help!

‘I cannot believe that you can go to the movies, that you can take yourself out to a restaurant, attend an event will be seen solo on such a big scale how do you do it?’

Loneliness is something that nobody wants to feel as human beings we are designed to be social beings. We are designed to need other people. When we find ourselves alone it can be really daunting- what's wrong with me? What is no one want to spend time with me? Why is no one initiating catch ups with me is there something that I did wrong?

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Mental Health IS Physical

How many times have you participated in exercise where you felt better afterwards? Many, right? This effect is proof that mental health is also physical. For generations we have spoken about mental health as if it’s a separate issue but it isn’t. Society knows that when we exercise we feel better, our mood is better, our productivity is better and our success is greater, so why don’t we treat our mental health as part of our physical health?

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Confidence is important in business

Over the past few years, I have worked with several businesses and networked with thousands more and the most common denominator amongst every business owner is that confidence is an issue for many business owners. Without personal confidence your business is under-performing there is no way of saying it any nicer. My job is to help you be happy, healthy, and more successful so if you are prepared to let go of control to see how much better your business can be keep reading.

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10 Ways to let out your emotions

'I have had enough of this, just leave me alone!'

'I don't want to hang out with people who cannot treat me probably. I'm over it!


These are the phrases we often hear ourselves saying when we have had a gutful. Expressing your emotions is vital for your mental health however there comes a time when you will need to choose to hold on to those emotions or let them go.

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