How to be more accountable

Goal setting is a great tool to help us achieve what we want but it is null and void without accountability. So how do we ensure that we are accountable to achieve the goals we set for ourselves? There are many ways you can do it but in this modern era I believe the best ways are harnessing the use of technology so that we maximise what is already in our hands whilst rewiring the reasons why we engage with tech. This way we don’t perceive ourselves as doing something extra and we can harness the power of positive peer pressure. This is why I created the Daily Journal.

The Daily Journal is a simple Instagram of Facebook story that you can use to post what you are up to and what you have achieved. It looks like this:

daily journal with MC.JPG

You can use the Daily Journal to share your plans for the start of the day on social media and then you can repost it again in the evening to share what you completed. This is a simple way to have something to share for stories while also being accountable to someone else. Many of us have, including you, people we want to see evidence of how we show up for ourselves because it spurs us on to keep committing to those daily actions so why not use this simple, effective way to do that?!

If you aren’t keen on sharing your Daily Journal as part of a story why not share it as a private ‘only me’ Facebook post so that when Facebook delivers your monthly memories as a news feed item you see a whole month of self commitment? Cool idea right?!

When I shared my Daily Journal for the first time on Instagram I remembered thinking ‘geez I better make sure I do all those things I said I would do’ and that is exactly the feeling I wanted to evoke. No one wants to feel like they can get away with not doing the tasks that move them closer to their goals, so this public display of commitment is a great way to get used to feeling comfortable with discomfort and following through for ourselves.

Have you experienced other ways that help you to be accountable? Share them with us in the comments! We would also love to see you being more accountable for yourself because we know that’s when you will hit those milestones you desperately want to achieve. So why not take a screen shot of our Daily Journal and start sharing on your Facebook or Instagram Story? Make sure you tag us @magnetically_confident so we can be part of your accountability journey.