Seek Growth

One of the values at Magnetic Confidence is to seek growth. Seeking growth is really important at making it confidence because we know that life doesn’t always come easily.

Sometimes we are challenged by what happens to us, around us and within us but we have an opportunity to be able to choose growth in every single circumstance. Some people would refer to this as extreme ownership. When we have extreme ownership over things we have the ability to experience the magic of owning all of our successes and all of our failures which mean when our family becomes part of our success which inevitably does we get to own that as well. So often as individuals we try to blame other people for what’s happened in our life or situations and circumstances when we really need to understand that the responsibility lies with us for why we chose to respond in the way we chose. It’s not always easy because of course our motions can be really quite difficult from time to time and it’s far simpler for us to hold grudges to be angry to refuse to forgive people and have a hard heart than it is to be soft, kind, gentle and forgiving. But we literally grow ourselves more and more every single day we make this choice.

When we work with people we encourage them to seek growth as well so that they understand the power in having extreme ownership for themselves because we know that it’s very easy for people to love what they love in their life what the grateful for but it’s much harder to come to terms with things that we don’t know why that happened especially if they’re painful things or something it takes us away from our greatest desires. What we do you know though from working with many people across 10 countries is that often our greatest desires are ahead of us and then not lying within our failure or even our pain but rather in the way that we accept that and this is why we choose to teach people about seeking growth through the power of choice.

Every single choices we make helps us to move us further towards whether or not we have that extreme ownership or not. When clients work with us they choose to take responsibility for what’s happening in their programs and what’s happened in their lives they choose to take account of what their success has been and what their values have been and how they could do better or they don’t and those that don’t have a successor they want. This might seem very brutal to people who are reading this however we don’t want to be another coaching service that helps you improve yourself but doesn’t challenge you. We want to be that coaching service that potentially sometimes annoys you triggers you so that you compose a change makes you uncomfortable so that she want to live a better life but most importantly is there with you to help you through moving from discomfort to a place of greater comfort than you’ve ever experienced before.

We are experts in knowing how to move people from inner turmoil to inner peace built on the cornerstones of understanding extreme ownership the power of choice and the massive implications we have in our life which used to seek growth and how positive those implications are.

For those of you where this is the first time of ever engage with our blogs and might be wondering well how can I do that? Where do I start my journey? I want to build my confidence. I guess the first step to moving forward and seeking at your growth and make a change is asking the question; where are you at now? Do you know what growth that you need in your life? Can you pinpoint things that happen on repeat? Are there things that you do you don’t know why you do them? Do you feel like you’re living for you what do you feel like you’re living to make other people happy first so that there’s less tension and stress in your life?

As you engage with more and more of our content whether it’s through our other blog posts, our podcast, our Facebook page, Instagram account, Pinterest or YouTube channel you are going to find content every single day that’s gonna help you move your confidence from where it is now to where you want it to be.

Our coaching programs offer people and ability to speak one on one to a principal coach Julia Trask while ago coaching enables you to work on your confidence 365 days per year in a flexible way that fits your busy schedule delivered direct to your mobile phone. We didn’t want to make people have to wait to get help to improve their mindset, confidence, self-love. we believe that these are the most important things that individuals need to work on to have greater health happiness and success with themselves and with those around them. This is why we provide very close support through direct messaging emails phone calls six days per week every week of the year. There’s another reason why you are never gonna find our programs are one size fits all. This is something our founder Julia Trask is really really passionate about.

‘Too many people in the market research have explained to us that they have spent not just 1000 but tens of thousands of dollars on coaching programs a lot of people that are not personalised to them the group coaching programs for example where one program is meant to fit for every person I don’t create programs that fit an avatar I create a program that fits you. You haven’t struggled to succeed in the past because you were in capable you struggle because you didn’t have the right program you didn’t have someone who treated you as the individual that you are it’s time to experience something different.’

Thank you for reading this blog page for prioritising yourself today we know that self prioritisation is not always the easiest thing to do. We appreciate that you are here taking time for yourself figure out how to change things, learning about our point of difference and beginning your journey to a better happier healthier more successful you.

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