How to be a hot date

Men and women all love a hot date. There is nothing better than being valued, respected, to have fun, and be embraced for who you are. Being a hot date is not something that comes naturally for some, however, so we’ve created some tips to make you a hot date whether you are a man or a lady, and are seeking to make a great impression. To finish it all off we have given our Top 3 tips for Hot Couples. Take a read and share with us how these help you to up your dating game.

Want to be a gentleman?

  • Always keep your word, without your word you are nothing

  • Use manners

  • Treat people with respect especially those that serve you or cannot do anything for you

  • At least offer to pay the bill

  • Plan your dates. Unplanned comes across as less respect or love for your partner.

  • Dress well. Never expect a woman to be decked out in flash attire if a T-shirt & board shorts is all you can muster all the time.

  • Don't say what someone wants to hear when you know your partner wants your honest opinion.

  • Leave a relationship if you cannot be faithful BEFORE you do anything.

  • By no means EVER raise a hand to your woman.

  • Always allow your lady to have a voice. Unless she's stopping herself from her own success.

  • Open doors for your lady.

  • In every situation defend your lady when being ridiculed, mocked, harassed, or abused in public. You don't deserve her if you cannot, point-blank.

  • Love your partner based on their love language.

  • Listen to her instead of trying to solve the problem before she finishes talking

  • Look after your health and hygiene

  • Control your temper by finding healthy ways to release anger and frustration

  • Never sit at the dinner table and expect your meal delivered to you.

  • Never laze around the house and expect your lady to do all the housework and child rearing.

    Encourage her goals.

  • Never discuss your sex life with your mates like its a sports game.

    Want to be an awesome girlfriend?

  • Allow man nights out/bro dates with his man friends

  • Don't say 'fine' when you really mean 'is disappointed so no I don't want to accept that/do that/allow that.

  • Compliment your man on more than his looks

  • Make an effort with his family

  • Participate in things he likes once in a while after all you demand he goes shopping sometimes so it's only fair

  • Never joke about a problem if you want your man to take it seriously

  • Surprise him with gifts or special moments

  • Boast about him in public around his friends

  • Make an effort to look after yourself, you'll have more confidence, self love and it'll keep the attraction high because of it.

  • Maintain your independence even when your married, it's what your partner loved about you.

  • Praise your man when he does something new or that you've asked him to do, don't criticize it. His effort matters.

  • Allow your man to help you carry the groceries, open the doors, it doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong for not feeling like you have to constantly prove how to put together you are.

  • Encourage his goals

  • Don't put household jobs into a 'man or woman's' category, you'll end up not working as a team and limiting how awesome you can really be, therefore also how deep he can love you.

  • Be open to trying new things in the bedroom

  • Allow your man the freedom to feel strong and vulnerable without criticizing him

  • Never criticize him in public, speak about issues in private.

    Top 3 tips for Hot Couples
    1. Always ask different questions
    2. Change routines and patterns, creature comforts are good but after a while, the basic things can make relationships a little stale. Realize that sometimes the new things you try will suck but the important part is that you are trying to spice up your relationship.
    3. Always begin a relationship with the minimum amount of effort your willing to receive in the lifetime of the relationship. E.g.: if the person organizing the date doesn't book a restaurant for dinner, turns up dressed like they are ready for a day at the beach & then suggests take out that ends in a 30min feast in a park before returning to your house self invited you cannot expect the effort will increase over the life of the relationship. Mind you for those who realize they did it wrong at the start you can talk to your partner.

Let’s be honest these two prove that hot dates exist well into marriage. If you aren’t inspired by how damn cute they are start taking notice of how each of them look after each other.