Posts tagged relationships
Commitments you need to make to yourself when you get in a relationship

Being in a relationship is a wonderful thing, you feel a sense of belonging and an immediate feeling of being enough. However, to keep a relationship going well you need to prioritise a commitment to yourself, this way you won’t look back on your time and think ‘I lost myself’. This tends to happen in toxic and positive relationships and it’s nothing to do with the partner but rather about how much you value yourself. Here are 10 commitments you need to make to yourself when you get in a relationship, they are perfect for newly coupled individuals or people looking to sustain a great relationship for life. Take a read.

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How to commit to a relationship if you are afraid of getting hurt

In modern dating you may hear people say that they don’t want to experience drama, they want something casual because they are done being hurt. Reality is, everyone on the planet has been hurt before. When you are single and not in a relationship you get hurt as well, by shutting people out and not allowing them to love you. But what happens if you want a relationship, but you are scared of getting hurt yet you don’t want to pass a seriously great person by? Here are 6 tips to drop the fear and open yourself up to the greatest joy: love.

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Why serving others first ruins your relationships

When people start turning up for themselves, guess what happens? Other people turn up for them! It's this really crazy notion that we grew up with thinking that we can't put ourselves first, so we start serving other people which is really noble, but we often do it at the cost of our own health, our relationship with ourselves and our happiness. We often never ask ourselves what do I want? Do I actually even want to be here right now? Where do I sit on my priority list?

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How to be a hot date

Men and women all love a hot date. There is nothing better than being valued, respected, to have fun and be embraced for who you are. Being a hot date is not something that comes naturally for some however, so we’ve created some tips to make you a hot date whether you are a man or a lady and are seeking to make a great impression. To finish it all off we have given our Top 3 tips for Hot Couples. Take a read and share with us how these help you to up your dating game.

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How to get (and maintain) a positive relationship

Positive Relationships are where it is at! For those that don’t know a positive relationship is vastly different to a relationship because it means that your partner is dedicated to seeing you happy, healthy and continually growing. Positive relationships are freeing, loving, respectful, they encourage you to become a better version of yourself. For those of you who are looking to get into a positive relationship or make changes to your current one for the benefit of both of you here are a few suggestions to get you started.

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Relationship readiness

How do you know you are ready for a relationship? In days of the past relationships followed a rigid structure that helped confirm whether someone was in a relationship or no but it didn’t necessarily leave much room for spontaneity or romance. Today more often than not relationships seem to just ‘appear’ to have happened one day through a relaxed conversation after a certain period of dating (which is different for everyone). So the question is, how do we know when we are ready for a relationship? I’ve compiled a list of the signs you can spot to identify when you are NOT ready and when you are. Take a read & find out if you are relationship ready!

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Does a relationship mean you’ve got yourself sorted?

I recently asked on Facebook and Instagram whether or not a relationship means that you have got yourself sorted or whether it simply means you are in a relationship. The poll results were interesting for 2 reasons. Most people said that they believed being a relationship simply meant you were in a relationship but those that disagreed were men, they felt that a relationship indicated to them that they were doing something right, as if the relationship was serving as a kind of positive feedback loop. Read of to find out what we thought about this poll.

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Are you encouraging your loved ones to lie?

We are often taught that honesty is the best policy but what happens when we are honest and we are not heard? Failing to hear your loved one’s honest thoughts, ideas, plans, attitudes promotes silence. This is where the lying begins & a relationship with guilt is encouraged. It’s an adult’s way of saying ‘if you don’t do it my way we cannot be friends.’

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