Relationship readiness

How do you know you are ready for a relationship? In days of the past relationships followed a rigid structure that helped confirm whether someone was in a relationship or no but it didn’t necessarily leave much room for spontaneity or romance. Today more often than not relationships seem to just ‘appear’ to have happened one day through a relaxed conversation after a certain period of dating (which is different for everyone). So the question is, how do we know when we are ready for a relationship? I’ve compiled a list of the signs you can spot to identify when you are NOT ready and when you are. Take a read, you may just find that you think you aren’t ready when you are or vice versa, perhaps your dating life is reflective of the signs you resonate with the most. I’d love to hear your thoughts, share a comment under the post!


Signs you are NOT ready for a relationship:

1.       You’ve started dating 2 days (or even 2 weeks) after your breakup to ‘distract yourself’

2.       You still talk about your ex like they are a reality & you still have anger in your voice when you speak about them

3.       You feel lonely and ‘just want’ someone around

4.       You feel lost and don’t know what to do next

5.       You don’t know your strengths, weaknesses, you don’t feel confident

6.       You are scared to be vulnerable, you feel like you can give LESS THAN 100% commitment to someone

7.       You are unsure what you want in life or in a partner

8.       You lack goals or personal purpose

9.       You give off mixed signals (I like you, no I don’t like you)

10.   You don’t know what you have to offer someone


11.   You are waiting for someone to come along and make your life perfect, to be the other part of you that will make the vision in your mind complete and quite possibly make you complete.


Signs you are READY for a relationship, but you are getting in your own way:

1.       You cannot stop thinking about them

2.       You have no problems supporting them

3.       You are not scared at all talking about the future with them in fact you initiate those conversations

4.       You don’t want to see them with anyone else because to you they are ‘yours’

5.       You feel nervous/a little scared that they could break your heart (this means that they are super good quality NOT that you should run)

6.       You talk about finances together and you don’t think twice about helping them in a financial pickle

7.       You spend time together & it’s fun

8.       You can hold a solid conversation & you really enjoy it

9.       Boring stuff is enjoyable in their company

10.   You can let your goofy, grumpy, vulnerable side out and they are awesome in all situations

BONUS (if you don’t want to lose them before it’s too late)

11.   You notice they are seeing other people, spending more time with friends, or holding back because you are holding back

12. You notice they are really interested in you but they aren’t afraid to lose you (this is the kind of relationship you need to move away from because no one wants to know that someone doesn’t feel like they don’t have to put in an effort to keep you. There is no passion in that).

Of all the things that prove you are really ready for a relationship here is the greatest one of all:

You start noticing that you are attracting people that are LIKE YOU. You stop attracting people that don’t treat you well or who are lacking confidence in themselves because you can finally see you are worthy of someone who loves who they are. You meet people who have the same confidence as you, the same inner peace. This may be tricky to determine at times. Sometimes people are incredibly good at masking their true selves but rest assured that if you find that they are exhibiting some of the not ready signs towards you and you are hopeful for something more substantial that you are going to have to make the tough decision and move on. It is far easier to move on sooner and forgive yourself than a date or marry someone who is the wrong person for you and then have to forgive yourself for not prioritizing you sooner.

So, don’t be in a rush, make sure you are ready first and you’ll meet people who are also ready.

Happy love month,

Jules xo

So what’s the verdict are you really ready for a relationship? If you feel that you aren’t and you want to work on yourself so that you are open to finding the right relationship then click the link below and book your complimentary coaching call.