Posts tagged business
Self made entrepreneurs don't exist

I’d love to meet an entrepreneur that received ZERO help. Personally, I believe the self-made entrepreneur doesn’t exist, well perhaps maybe with the exception of a narcissist’s mind. Over the past 5 years, I have met a variety of people who work in diverse fields and very few of them call themselves self-made but there are still far too many articles, news clips, and books obsessed with the ‘self-made’ title. While I understand that your ego can encourage you to pride yourself on how much you have learned and what you have done in business over time I believe the self-made entrepreneur is exhausted, broke, and hiding a deep hatred for the business they once loved. Sadly though, this is a reality for many business owners who believe that they have to do it all on their own in order to be successful.

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Using your skills or dying with passion

One of the greatest things about running a business is that you do it with passion. In those beginning days where you set up your products and services, you work your butt off to make sure everything turns out the best that it possibly can for the skills that you have at the time. The process continues on a rinse and repeat cycle for as long as you have a business, I’ve been loving this for the past 4 and a half years. In fact, it’s this raw passion that separates the ‘everyday job’ from entrepreneurship for me, and its why I can happily choose to start my workday at 10 pm and work for 6 hours after an entirely chilled out day or why I have been happy to stay in so many nights that others were going out.

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Why I know you can start a business with $40 and succeed

Magnetic Confidence was initially started with $0. I began without a product, just a simple clear understanding that I knew I had to bridge a gap between what I knew and what I needed to provide. You can start a successful business today if you want to, the question you have to ask yourself is: do I want it enough?

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