Posts tagged self awareness
No BS Barbie

When I first started business I was told, don’t tell people what they need tell people what they want to hear. Only problem is I think life is full of that bullsh*t. I see it in the coaching industry a lot. Relationship coaches suggesting that you’ll find your husband or wife in 12 weeks. Business coaches who promise you 6 figures before you’ve signed up for their program or had an onboarding call. You get the gist. Now don’t get me wrong I love a transformation but usually when someone comes to me they are sick of the BS in their head and or their life, they don’t want any more BS.

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Where should I start building self awareness?

Building self-awareness takes time and effort, but it is a valuable investment in your personal growth and well-being. By taking small steps and being patient with yourself, you can gradually build a more complete and accurate understanding of who you are and what you need to be happy and fulfilled. The easiest place to start tapping into your awareness is to ask yourself who am I? What do I value? What do I want out of life and why? From here you can learn about yourself, why you do what you do, why you think how you do and how that impacts confidence in your life across the 8 dimensions of health.

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Habit Coaching has landed!

Your habits are the foundation of building confidence. Confidence is built on our mindset and our ability to feel competent at what we do. Every day we habitually do tasks, some that help us and some that hinder us. When we master the art of habits we can increase our results in our life, improving our health, happiness and success. The more habits we conquer the more confidence we feel because each of these habits require consistency and commitment. You aren’t going to feel like always doing the things that are important to you, it will require grit. What I’ve established is that my clients typically have a mixture of helpful and unhelpful habits. I wanted to enable them to achieve greater success to reach higher levels of performance and health so I created Habit Coaching.

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Self made entrepreneurs don't exist

I’d love to meet an entrepreneur that received ZERO help. Personally, I believe the self-made entrepreneur doesn’t exist, well perhaps maybe with the exception of a narcissist’s mind. Over the past 5 years, I have met a variety of people who work in diverse fields and very few of them call themselves self-made but there are still far too many articles, news clips, and books obsessed with the ‘self-made’ title. While I understand that your ego can encourage you to pride yourself on how much you have learned and what you have done in business over time I believe the self-made entrepreneur is exhausted, broke, and hiding a deep hatred for the business they once loved. Sadly though, this is a reality for many business owners who believe that they have to do it all on their own in order to be successful.

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How is confidence and pride the same but different?

Confidence is the innate knowledge of who you are, what you offer and being unafraid of the fact that you make mistakes.

Pride is about feeling happy with what you have accomplished and who you are.

Thinking about these definitions how do you now think about the phrase:

Pride comes before a fall.

It gets you to think doesn’t it?

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10 Ways to let out your emotions

'I have had enough of this, just leave me alone!'

'I don't want to hang out with people who cannot treat me probably. I'm over it!


These are the phrases we often hear ourselves saying when we have had a gutful. Expressing your emotions is vital for your mental health however there comes a time when you will need to choose to hold on to those emotions or let them go.

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