Posts tagged goals
How to create a goal you can sink your teeth into

Achieving a goal is something everyone desires, especially high performers but what happens when it’s something you have to do versus want to do? How can you sink your teeth into it and experience success?

Buying a house, falling in love and experiencing success at work are 3 of the greatest aspirations people all over the world have regardless of their background however the smaller goals that comprise of these significant achievements requires you to hone your goal setting skills in a way that making them possible is easy. Read on to learn how.

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Why I know you can start a business with $40 and succeed

Magnetic Confidence was initially started with $0. I began without a product, just a simple clear understanding that I knew I had to bridge a gap between what I knew and what I needed to provide. You can start a successful business today if you want to, the question you have to ask yourself is: do I want it enough?

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How to keep your fitness motivation

Motivation isn’t something you discover one day and suddenly & permanently have. It is something that requires constant stimulus- I like to inappropriately call this poking or prodding. Without a good poke or prod, we easily end up back on Mehsville where we are simply ok, cruising along but inherently tasteless, bland, bored. This happens with our fitness routine, our relationships, our social life, and our careers. Change is necessary to bring about motivation. I’ve compiled 10 simple strategies you can use to keep your fitness motivation (plus added a few bonus ones in because why keep it to ‘nice’ numbers all the time aye).

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