52 episodes of The Impact of Mindset have aired! WOOHOO!

Magnetic Confidence has hit another milestone. The Impact of Mindset has now hit 52 episodes! An entire year of interviewing people, sharing my raw and real messages about how your mindset impacts you and how you can improve it. I’m so proud of how the podcast has gone and I’m looking forward to seeing more people fall in love with it over time. To celebrate this moment I want to pause and enjoy the highlights of the past year.

  1. Meeting people in Facebook groups and 2 days later interviewing them for the podcast and our audience LOVING it! I’ve absolutely adored people who have been so relaxed and open in their communication.

  2. I LOVE talking. I find inspiration everywhere and can make it a podcast, so I feel like podcasting really gives me a place to use all my amazing thoughts instead of leaving it in my car to my silent audience or in my journals on a shelf hidden from the world, when it needs to be out there being listened to by you. Creating each episode brings me so much joy.

  3. Getting emails and social media comments from people saying ‘I loved that episode, it was amazing!’

  4. Guests who offered to host me as soon as I hosted them. When I set out to have a podcast I wanted to have great guests first and foremost, I wasn’t focussed on making sure I got something in return and yet some people I have hosted invited me to be on their podcast. That was amazing. In this next year I will be moving from hosting anyone to hosting more established businesses with their own podcasts as I’ll admit I could have had more traction with my own podcast if I didn’t think of serving first but I’m so glad I did it this way.

  5. I’ve formed some great relationships. Some guests are now writing books about their story, others have committed to new projects and others just want to support me and what I do even if their business slightly shifts and changes and that is amazing.

  6. I kept it true to myself. I didn’t want to make my podcast 100% polished and perfect, I wanted it to be real and upfront. I kept it this way and I didn’t delay myself for perfection, while that might not resonate with everyone it resonates with those who get that perfection is overrated and I am GRATEFUL!

  7. My podcast is reaching 10 countries worldwide across multiple continents! WOO!

  8. Guests are plentiful. When I first started if I wasn’t planned a month in advance I would be scrambling for a guest, now I am turning people away or asking to schedule them 6-7 months ahead of time, its a great feeling!