Posts tagged mindset
Knowing your own thoughts

You get up in the morning walk to the bathroom, go to the toilet, wash your face, and look at yourself barefaced in the mirror, ‘Hello again’. Your hair looks like a birds next from the seriously good sleep you had yet you see those dark circles under your eyes, ‘Why do I always look so tired, I guess this is as good as it gets.’ As you’re making breakfast you think to yourself ‘Far out I have so much to do today, I should have done more yesterday. I need to get my act together’. Before long you’ve dished yourself a dose of negative to begin a brand new day. Are you even aware that you do it?

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How to stop focusing on what others think of you

From the time you were a child you learnt to do as you were told and follow instructions. How your parents, role models and other children interacted with you taught you whether you were doing the right thing or not. But as you grew up into the teenage years and then adulthood you began forming your idea about how you want to live your life, you started fighting for what you felt you had the right to do but you still cared about what others think. In some way you are always going to care about what others think of you, but you can stop focusing on these opinions.

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Understanding projection

Projection is when we feel comfortable to identify an issue with someone else all the while not recognising, we have identified an issue within ourselves as well.

‘You’re always late, you never consider my time’ says a friend who has turned up on time once to your 99 times and 1 late arrival.

‘You have got so many problems to fix, it’s high time you start working on yourself!’ Says the person who hasn’t seen a psychologist or coach, is often angry and lashes out at others.

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Get back up when you get knocked down

How many articles, stories and news segments have you seen dedicated to COVID stressors? Millions, right?! COVID has brought up challenges for everyone but so does life outside of a global pandemic. It is at times like these during unusual circumstances that life’s general hurdles impact us more because we simply have more on our plate. So how do you improve your resilience?

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52 episodes of The Impact of Mindset have aired! WOOHOO!

Magnetic Confidence has hit another milestone. The Impact of Mindset has now hit 52 episodes! An entire year of interviewing people, sharing my raw and real messages about how your mindset impacts you and how you can improve it. I’m so proud of how the podcast has gone and I’m looking forward to seeing more people fall in love with it over time. To celebrate this moment I want to pause and enjoy the highlights of the past year.

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How to develop authenticity

The key to being magnetically confident is to develop your authenticity, because the more authentic you are the more likely it is that people are going to engage with you. People recognise something beautiful in authenticity- awareness, humility, self acceptance and honesty. They know that with an authentic person there is no second guessing, they can simply enjoy someone’s company without wondering about an agenda, who they really are or needing to impress them because they know the only way to impress someone is to truly be yourself. This eliminates stress, creating ease for those individuals the confident person engages with which makes them even more magnetic. So how do you develop the authenticity to draw people closer to you on a daily basis? Here are my 10 steps to Developing Authenticity.

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Drive in neutral to get your health back

In our cars neutral just lets our car stay where it is, we don’t move forward or backwards, but it does allow our car to turn on without it going backwards. When life is tough, we need to put ourselves in neutral. Neutral gives us a place to operate with where we can go forward and to be honest, like a car, once we are here we are more likely to move forward than we are to go backwards.

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Mental Health IS Physical

How many times have you participated in exercise where you felt better afterwards? Many, right? This effect is proof that mental health is also physical. For generations we have spoken about mental health as if it’s a separate issue but it isn’t. Society knows that when we exercise we feel better, our mood is better, our productivity is better and our success is greater, so why don’t we treat our mental health as part of our physical health?

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Are you encouraging your loved ones to lie?

We are often taught that honesty is the best policy but what happens when we are honest and we are not heard? Failing to hear your loved one’s honest thoughts, ideas, plans, attitudes promotes silence. This is where the lying begins & a relationship with guilt is encouraged. It’s an adult’s way of saying ‘if you don’t do it my way we cannot be friends.’

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