Posts tagged coaching
No BS Barbie

When I first started business I was told, don’t tell people what they need tell people what they want to hear. Only problem is I think life is full of that bullsh*t. I see it in the coaching industry a lot. Relationship coaches suggesting that you’ll find your husband or wife in 12 weeks. Business coaches who promise you 6 figures before you’ve signed up for their program or had an onboarding call. You get the gist. Now don’t get me wrong I love a transformation but usually when someone comes to me they are sick of the BS in their head and or their life, they don’t want any more BS.

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Self esteem, self worth & self confidence- what's the difference?

Self worth, self esteem, and self confidence are three concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they are actually distinct and important aspects of our mental and emotional health. Understanding the difference between these three concepts can help you build a healthier, more fulfilling life and confident life.

When an individual exudes self-confidence it is clear that they know their worth. In action, they do what matters to them most and they leave those things that aren’t behind; they have time because they know where their effort is best spent and they no longer people please or entertain other’s vision for their life before their own. Self-worth is the foundation of confidence.

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I'm afraid of being lonely...send for help!

‘I cannot believe that you can go to the movies, that you can take yourself out to a restaurant, attend an event will be seen solo on such a big scale how do you do it?’

Loneliness is something that nobody wants to feel as human beings we are designed to be social beings. We are designed to need other people. When we find ourselves alone it can be really daunting- what's wrong with me? What is no one want to spend time with me? Why is no one initiating catch ups with me is there something that I did wrong?

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What can you be grateful for?

You know that gratitude is a game changer but some days you feel like the gratitude is all the same and you wonder, am I missing something? People often make the mistake of looking for all the big things that you can be grateful for as opposed to all the millions of things that happen daily that make our life better, whether they appear to be good news at first or not. You can easily find yourself being grateful for the same things each day which doesn’t expand your appreciation for life but rather limits it. Here are some ideas of what you can be grateful for if you find yourself stuck in a rut.

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Trust yourself!

One of the most common reasons individuals struggle being truly confident is because they lack the ability to trust themselves. This lack of self trust keeps them playing small, second guessing themselves or never fully committing to what they want. ‘But what if something goes wrong?’ This is what most people who lack self trust say on a regular basis. On the surface thinking through things thoroughly, reducing risk to yourself and playing small feels safe and secure but it is abundant in regret. Living a life of ‘I could have, should have’ isn’t the key to happiness so here are 10 ways you can work on your self trust daily.

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Commitments you need to make to yourself when you get in a relationship

Being in a relationship is a wonderful thing, you feel a sense of belonging and an immediate feeling of being enough. However, to keep a relationship going well you need to prioritise a commitment to yourself, this way you won’t look back on your time and think ‘I lost myself’. This tends to happen in toxic and positive relationships and it’s nothing to do with the partner but rather about how much you value yourself. Here are 10 commitments you need to make to yourself when you get in a relationship, they are perfect for newly coupled individuals or people looking to sustain a great relationship for life. Take a read.

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New Year, New Intentions...right?

You’ve entered a new year so surely you have new intentions for the following new, shiny 365 days right? Maybe not. For many people who maintain their confidence at positive levels a new year simply means continuing the great things from the previous year, dialling in on the intention and creating some small goals. How you start your year sets the tone for what is to come, so have you thrown the baby out with the bath water or have you started completely anew and what is best for you?

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Self- compassion

You are so hard on yourself. This is a phrase that you may have heard before. It’s usually followed up with ‘be kind to yourself; but how do you do that and ensure you achieve the success you desire? Doesn’t kindness take you off the hook?

Self-compassion is essential for building confidence. While it is understandable that high performers like yourself want you to push yourself, you cannot do it at the expense of your confidence. Confidence isn’t built out of self-loathing so you have to define what kindness is to you to actually be kind to yourself.

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The grounding capacity of nature!

You spend most of your time indoors either behind your office desk, in airconditioned buildings or your car. It is easy to get through an entire day failing to step outside for a moment and actually take a minute. These artificial environments can unintentionally get you in a funk. Here’s 15 ways you can connect back to nature daily, ground yourself and feel so much better every single day.

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Why serving others first ruins your relationships

When people start turning up for themselves, guess what happens? Other people turn up for them! It's this really crazy notion that we grew up with thinking that we can't put ourselves first, so we start serving other people which is really noble, but we often do it at the cost of our own health, our relationship with ourselves and our happiness. We often never ask ourselves what do I want? Do I actually even want to be here right now? Where do I sit on my priority list?

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52 episodes of The Impact of Mindset have aired! WOOHOO!

Magnetic Confidence has hit another milestone. The Impact of Mindset has now hit 52 episodes! An entire year of interviewing people, sharing my raw and real messages about how your mindset impacts you and how you can improve it. I’m so proud of how the podcast has gone and I’m looking forward to seeing more people fall in love with it over time. To celebrate this moment I want to pause and enjoy the highlights of the past year.

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How to develop authenticity

The key to being magnetically confident is to develop your authenticity, because the more authentic you are the more likely it is that people are going to engage with you. People recognise something beautiful in authenticity- awareness, humility, self acceptance and honesty. They know that with an authentic person there is no second guessing, they can simply enjoy someone’s company without wondering about an agenda, who they really are or needing to impress them because they know the only way to impress someone is to truly be yourself. This eliminates stress, creating ease for those individuals the confident person engages with which makes them even more magnetic. So how do you develop the authenticity to draw people closer to you on a daily basis? Here are my 10 steps to Developing Authenticity.

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Habit Coaching has landed!

Your habits are the foundation of building confidence. Confidence is built on our mindset and our ability to feel competent at what we do. Every day we habitually do tasks, some that help us and some that hinder us. When we master the art of habits we can increase our results in our life, improving our health, happiness and success. The more habits we conquer the more confidence we feel because each of these habits require consistency and commitment. You aren’t going to feel like always doing the things that are important to you, it will require grit. What I’ve established is that my clients typically have a mixture of helpful and unhelpful habits. I wanted to enable them to achieve greater success to reach higher levels of performance and health so I created Habit Coaching.

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How to support your child to chase their sporting goals.

Years ago, I thought my greatest dream was to become a professional footballer, then at the age of 22 I was faced with the reality that I would have to work multiple jobs while also completing a heavy training schedule 3 hours away from where I lived on a regular basis, all because female athletes were paid measly wages. This combined with my desire to be a mum before I was 35 felt like a pressure cooker of decisions that directed what I would do next in sport. Not wanting to give up motherhood for sport, nor a career I had only just started I stayed with my career and stepped away from trying again to make it happen, it helped that an epic injury followed later that prevented me from playing football again. Looking back at those decisions now as a single, 35 year old it all feels ironic. I cannot change the decisions that I made, and I don’t have regrets, but I do want to share what I have learnt about chasing high performance in sport for upcoming athletes and parents that endeavour to support them.

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Drive in neutral to get your health back

In our cars neutral just lets our car stay where it is, we don’t move forward or backwards, but it does allow our car to turn on without it going backwards. When life is tough, we need to put ourselves in neutral. Neutral gives us a place to operate with where we can go forward and to be honest, like a car, once we are here we are more likely to move forward than we are to go backwards.

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Mental Health IS Physical

How many times have you participated in exercise where you felt better afterwards? Many, right? This effect is proof that mental health is also physical. For generations we have spoken about mental health as if it’s a separate issue but it isn’t. Society knows that when we exercise we feel better, our mood is better, our productivity is better and our success is greater, so why don’t we treat our mental health as part of our physical health?

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