Habit Coaching has landed!

 Your habits are the foundation of building confidence. Confidence is built on our mindset and our ability to feel competent at what we do. Every day we habitually do tasks, some that help us and some that hinder us. When we master the art of habits we can increase our results in our life, improving our health, happiness and success. The more habits we conquer the more confidence we feel because each of these habits require consistency and commitment. You aren’t going to feel like always doing the things that are important to you, it will require grit. What I’ve established is that my clients typically have a mixture of helpful and unhelpful habits. I wanted to enable them to achieve greater success to reach higher levels of performance and health so I created Habit Coaching.


Habit Coaching is a personalised, virtual coaching offering that we provide our clients. It allows people to choose what habits they would like to develop or maintain and focus on them day in day out. As each client is assigned to a coach, the habit building activities are scheduled to fit within your lifestyle based on your normal routine. Bit by bit we work on improving how consistently you turn up for yourself, turning inconsistency to consistency.


The most common habits people want to work on often are drinking more water, exercising daily, sleeping at a regular time period and making time to mediate. So for these we list them as an activity in our Magnetic Confidence mobile app (available on iOS and android) and an automatic email is sent to each client from 5am each morning to remind them to complete their habits. Clients are encouraged to mark off each of the habits so they can check their compliance.


Checking compliance was a really important feature we wanted to include with our Habit Coaching, because tracking compliance develops accountability, and we know that accountable people generally have higher levels of confidence. This is because they complete tasks more often as they want to stay true to their word. For those who aren’t there yet though having these reminders, a graph to check compliance along with milestones to celebrate your wins and direct messaging with your coach when you are falling behind make it super easy for people to have a quick win with building solid habits.


Once strong habits are formed developing confidence in other areas of life is easier because individuals like you feel great about the success they have already achieved.


We are really excited about seeing many individuals across Australia, New Zealand and the globe take up this opportunity to receive personalised habit coaching with us. If you’d like to try it out with us for the cost of less than a cup of coffee per week click the link below, we cannot wait to celebrate your success as well.