Knowing your own thoughts

You get up in the morning walk to the bathroom, go to the toilet, wash your face, and look at yourself barefaced in the mirror, ‘Hello again’. Your hair looks like a birds next from the seriously good sleep you had yet you see those dark circles under your eyes, ‘Why do I always look so tired, I guess this is as good as it gets.’ As you’re making breakfast you think to yourself ‘Far out I have so much to do today, I should have done more yesterday. I need to get my act together’. Before long you’ve dished yourself a dose of negative to begin a brand new day. Are you even aware that you do it?

Knowing your thoughts as you go about the day are really important. Everyone knows when they’ve called themselves an idiot after stubbing their toe or curses themselves for not getting something right at work but the real power of the mindset comes when you observe the thoughts you have during average moments. Are you being kind or are you slowly etching away at your confidence. It’s these moments that can change quickly. You may start the day on a high but quickly experience 3 challenges and think, ‘well I’m useless, that’s the day done, why should I bother anyway’. The defeatist mentality creeps in and stops you from taking action.

How often do your thoughts support you? How often do your thoughts quietly take the light out of life? You must be conscious of these thoughts so that you understand why you feel the way that you do each day. You also need to be aware of them so you can change them to more empowering thoughts throughout the day.

Knowing your own thoughts