Posts tagged mental health
Knowing your own thoughts

You get up in the morning walk to the bathroom, go to the toilet, wash your face, and look at yourself barefaced in the mirror, ‘Hello again’. Your hair looks like a birds next from the seriously good sleep you had yet you see those dark circles under your eyes, ‘Why do I always look so tired, I guess this is as good as it gets.’ As you’re making breakfast you think to yourself ‘Far out I have so much to do today, I should have done more yesterday. I need to get my act together’. Before long you’ve dished yourself a dose of negative to begin a brand new day. Are you even aware that you do it?

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Understanding projection

Projection is when we feel comfortable to identify an issue with someone else all the while not recognising, we have identified an issue within ourselves as well.

‘You’re always late, you never consider my time’ says a friend who has turned up on time once to your 99 times and 1 late arrival.

‘You have got so many problems to fix, it’s high time you start working on yourself!’ Says the person who hasn’t seen a psychologist or coach, is often angry and lashes out at others.

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Knowing your stressors and how to deal with it

Before I became a coach, I was a teacher working crazy hours, doing the role of administration support, psychologist, teacher, parent to children who lacked role models. As a teacher you work nights, weekends and often sleep with the welfare of children in mind and a mass of creative ideas running around in your head. Teachers were required to report information 3 times in 3 different ways to appease the powers at be, and stress was wildly accepted as part of the job, especially where little to no health and wellbeing practices actually take place. I often wondered why I constantly felt stress until I read How to Eliminate Stress, a book by ____.

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The grounding capacity of nature!

You spend most of your time indoors either behind your office desk, in airconditioned buildings or your car. It is easy to get through an entire day failing to step outside for a moment and actually take a minute. These artificial environments can unintentionally get you in a funk. Here’s 15 ways you can connect back to nature daily, ground yourself and feel so much better every single day.

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Why serving others first ruins your relationships

When people start turning up for themselves, guess what happens? Other people turn up for them! It's this really crazy notion that we grew up with thinking that we can't put ourselves first, so we start serving other people which is really noble, but we often do it at the cost of our own health, our relationship with ourselves and our happiness. We often never ask ourselves what do I want? Do I actually even want to be here right now? Where do I sit on my priority list?

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What is your journey with mental health?

October is Mental Health Awareness Month in Australia so I thought I’d share my journey with mental health to demonstrate the importance of the need for a perception shift in what mental health means. Like everything I talk to clients about its best to be raw and real to take full ownership of what is and how you can change it. So here is my very real account of how society influenced my attitude towards mental health and how developing my awareness changed everything.

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How I practice self- care

Self-care is what keeps me sane, without self-care I cannot look after anyone else and as a coach that is everything that I do so essentially if I get it wrong, I cannot do my job. This is a distinction I think is important for anyone who works in the health and wellbeing space to get. Self-care is the foundation for your business.

So, are you looking for inspiration for how to practice self- care? Here are the things that I do to look after myself on a regular basis.

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Mental Health IS Physical

How many times have you participated in exercise where you felt better afterwards? Many, right? This effect is proof that mental health is also physical. For generations we have spoken about mental health as if it’s a separate issue but it isn’t. Society knows that when we exercise we feel better, our mood is better, our productivity is better and our success is greater, so why don’t we treat our mental health as part of our physical health?

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