Posts tagged positive relationships
How to get (and maintain) a positive relationship

Positive Relationships are where it is at! For those that don’t know a positive relationship is vastly different to a relationship because it means that your partner is dedicated to seeing you happy, healthy and continually growing. Positive relationships are freeing, loving, respectful, they encourage you to become a better version of yourself. For those of you who are looking to get into a positive relationship or make changes to your current one for the benefit of both of you here are a few suggestions to get you started.

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Does a relationship mean you’ve got yourself sorted?

I recently asked on Facebook and Instagram whether or not a relationship means that you have got yourself sorted or whether it simply means you are in a relationship. The poll results were interesting for 2 reasons. Most people said that they believed being a relationship simply meant you were in a relationship but those that disagreed were men, they felt that a relationship indicated to them that they were doing something right, as if the relationship was serving as a kind of positive feedback loop. Read of to find out what we thought about this poll.

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