Posts tagged self help
Inspiring quotes and affirmations to boost your self confidence

I just love inspirational quotes. The right quote at the right time gives me a spark of joy and a greater perception. It is usually exactly what I need to read right in the moment. Similarly, affirmations remind me to keep believing in myself and pursuing my greatest life. They ensure that I am self compassionate.

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Where should I start building self awareness?

Building self-awareness takes time and effort, but it is a valuable investment in your personal growth and well-being. By taking small steps and being patient with yourself, you can gradually build a more complete and accurate understanding of who you are and what you need to be happy and fulfilled. The easiest place to start tapping into your awareness is to ask yourself who am I? What do I value? What do I want out of life and why? From here you can learn about yourself, why you do what you do, why you think how you do and how that impacts confidence in your life across the 8 dimensions of health.

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I self-reject- why?

Every person on the planet is afraid of rejection, eager to avoid it at all costs yet some people still choose to self-reject. Why is that and how can you fix this?

Self-rejection is a really easy thing to achieve if you do not accept yourself. It begins by not acknowledging your successes, the positive choices you make and the growth that you have personally and professionally. It then moves on to denying what you know you deserve and settling for less. From here it leads to the frustration that others are increasingly rejecting you but the problem didn’t start with anyone but yourself.

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Does a relationship mean you’ve got yourself sorted?

I recently asked on Facebook and Instagram whether or not a relationship means that you have got yourself sorted or whether it simply means you are in a relationship. The poll results were interesting for 2 reasons. Most people said that they believed being a relationship simply meant you were in a relationship but those that disagreed were men, they felt that a relationship indicated to them that they were doing something right, as if the relationship was serving as a kind of positive feedback loop. Read of to find out what we thought about this poll.

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