How do you let go?

Letting go is one of the most challenging things for high performing individuals because we like to be able to do whatever we can to help the outcome be the way that we want it to be we want it to be as best as we possibly can we want to see if there are ways we can change things to improve them but life is not all about improving things all the time and making things better at analysing them. In some senses the amazing personalities of high performers set themselves up automatically to be challenged by the practice of letting go.


Letting go feels so much like a lack of control like leaving things up to fate to destiny to manifesting if you will. And to be honest that's exactly what letting go is. It's not sitting there waiting for divine intervention but is accepting which way our path is steered is the way that it's meant to be. As high performers while we were struggle with things getting us off course from our goals we are incredibly resilient at dealing with change.


So when it comes to thinking about letting go we need to ask ourselves can I let go of not knowing what is next but hold on to the facts that I can deal with and control my response to a situation. Many people hate that phrase about controlling your response to the situation and it makes perfect sense, why should you have to control how you feel about a situation? Why can't you just try and make things be the way that they are or rather the way you want them to be?


He's the harsh but true and beautiful reality- your life is better than you envisage it to be. People will come into your life and love you in a way that you didn't think was possible. People will champion you when you're still trying to champion yourself. Unexpected things will happen that you never saw coming and they will happen even if you hold on incredibly tight to the order and structure and control of your life. You know this because as you're reading this blog post you're thinking about times in your life where you have had crazy things happen instances where you met people that you knew from your childhood or your hometown on the other side of the world when you were travelling or crazy coincidences where somebody that you knew somebody else and that was exactly the connexion you needed in your business you've experienced these before without you having to do a single thing. You know that there are endless possibilities for what could happen for you and to you in your life. So thinking about that reality that there are endless possibilities so much positivity and opportunity at your grasp do you want to expand the space to see more of that or do you want to constrict it?


Most people will say they want to expand it they want to see how crazy can life get how crazy good can my life get right now. The reality is it'll get as good as you're willing to let go. Wall you're working on letting go you are practising self trust. This is one skill that high performers tend to struggle with be cause they either trust only in themselves and won't help other people assist them or they don't trust what they can't control either way this puts them in a limited state of being and not in an abundance mindset not in a solution focused mindset.


Think about it how often do you sit there and think about all the endless possibilities you could have in your life really think about and embrace how that would feel envisage yourself in a space where you're getting an award that you want where you're having a movie produced where you're married to the love of your life whatever it might be how much time do you spend really bathing in how that feels? Do you at this point in time have a capacity to see endless possibilities? For many that struggle with letting go they see what they know and this brings them comfort but it doesn't empower them and as human beings whether we Believe in God or higher power or whatnot we know that there is some magic in this world that is inexplicable and we missed out on how amazing that would feel in our own lives by not developing our self trust muscle.


It may be as simple as beginning with trusting yourself more in a day in a couple of days in a week with something that's really small like saving $5 to then progressing to more significant things that require our trust letting our guard down with other people handing over parts of our business or somebody else so we can get our time back these things won't happen without lots of incremental efforts on self trust so if you're struggling to let go how much do you trust yourself right now?

how to let go