What does my relationship need? A self reflection to make you the best partner ever!

Do you love the person you are with but are wondering how you can ensure it stays happy, healthy and fun? Reflect on your current relationship across each of these areas and see how you can turn up best.

  • Open, honest and respectful communication is key to a positive relationship. Is there a way you can be more open? Increase the honesty and turn up the respect? Are there times when perhaps you didn’t do your best? Could you ask questions about how you could do better and then start taking action on it? Give it a go today. Every individual is so different it would be unsurprising if you couldn’t learn something about yourself or someone else by asking these questions.

  • How trusting am I? Do i give opportunities to show how I can be trusted? Do I doubt my trust in others and if so why is that? Does this lack of trust have anything to do with them specifically or is it something that I can work on so that those around me I respect them more?

  • Am I connected to my emotions? Do I know what I need and when I need it? Do i know what I don’t need and why? Am I able to communicate my emotions even if I feel scared? Am I responsible for the emotions that I have? Am I growing more emotionally intelligent each week? Do I share my fears, failures, greatest desires to help build emotional intimacy?

  • Does my partner comment on the amount of effort I put in? What are they hoping to get from me and am I delivering and if so why not? Am I giving the best effort I really could or am I taking something or someone for granted too often? How can I give effort that matches my partner’s love language?

  • Am I able to compromise and find mutually agreeable solutions to conflicts? How capable am I of putting the relationship first over the desire to be right? What won’t I compromise on and why? Are my lack of compromises about ego or something else and does your partner know?

  • How respectful am I to my partner, their loved ones, their friends, their career, their desires and their boundaries? How do I seek to understand my partner? How do I let them experience my kindness on a daily basis? How do I create opportunities for my partner to be kind and respectful?

  • Do we have shared values and goals together? Do we support each other in our goals? Can I live out of my values more often and commit more to my personal and relationship goals?

Relationships require continuous work and attention. The best way to be the best partner you can is by asking yourself these questions and answering as honestly as possible, have frank conversations and ask questions of the person you love. In relationships two people are always learning about themselves and each other so there is no harm in asking. As you can probably see many of these questions are also worthwhile for relationships with friends, family members and ever peers so give them a go and share with us what you learn by emailing info@magneticconfidence.com.au