Posts tagged emotional intelligence
10 Ways to Self Soothe

Self soothing is for adults as much as it is for babies. When you are angry, frustrated, sad, disappointed and disheartened you need a bag of strategies to help you regain calmness. The more often you can use these strategies as soon as you feel highly emotional the greater you can return to happiness. Here’s 10 strategies to self soothe you need today!

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Drive in neutral to get your health back

In our cars neutral just lets our car stay where it is, we don’t move forward or backwards, but it does allow our car to turn on without it going backwards. When life is tough, we need to put ourselves in neutral. Neutral gives us a place to operate with where we can go forward and to be honest, like a car, once we are here we are more likely to move forward than we are to go backwards.

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10 Ways to let out your emotions

'I have had enough of this, just leave me alone!'

'I don't want to hang out with people who cannot treat me probably. I'm over it!


These are the phrases we often hear ourselves saying when we have had a gutful. Expressing your emotions is vital for your mental health however there comes a time when you will need to choose to hold on to those emotions or let them go.

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