Posts tagged self worth
Self esteem, self worth & self confidence- what's the difference?

Self worth, self esteem, and self confidence are three concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they are actually distinct and important aspects of our mental and emotional health. Understanding the difference between these three concepts can help you build a healthier, more fulfilling life and confident life.

When an individual exudes self-confidence it is clear that they know their worth. In action, they do what matters to them most and they leave those things that aren’t behind; they have time because they know where their effort is best spent and they no longer people please or entertain other’s vision for their life before their own. Self-worth is the foundation of confidence.

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How to stop focusing on what others think of you

From the time you were a child you learnt to do as you were told and follow instructions. How your parents, role models and other children interacted with you taught you whether you were doing the right thing or not. But as you grew up into the teenage years and then adulthood you began forming your idea about how you want to live your life, you started fighting for what you felt you had the right to do but you still cared about what others think. In some way you are always going to care about what others think of you, but you can stop focusing on these opinions.

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You do have something to offer (stop thinking you don’t)

‘Can I really do that though? I mean who wants to hear from me?’

When you examine social interactions between people it is really easy to pick up who is communicating what people want to hear as opposed to who they are.

‘What would you like to know?’ you ask, when really it has nothing to do about what the other person wants to know but what you feel is important to convey to them at that time.

‘I’d love to run a business, but don’t I need to have everything sorted, have a big bank account and a lot of confidence before someone will buy? Won’t they just look at me and go nope?’

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Why serving others first ruins your relationships

When people start turning up for themselves, guess what happens? Other people turn up for them! It's this really crazy notion that we grew up with thinking that we can't put ourselves first, so we start serving other people which is really noble, but we often do it at the cost of our own health, our relationship with ourselves and our happiness. We often never ask ourselves what do I want? Do I actually even want to be here right now? Where do I sit on my priority list?

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