Knowing your stressors and how to deal with it

Before I became a coach, I was a teacher working crazy hours, doing the role of administration support, psychologist, teacher, parent to children who lacked role models. As a teacher you work nights, weekends and often sleep with the welfare of children in mind and a mass of creative ideas running around in your head. Teachers were required to report information 3 times in 3 different ways to appease the powers at be, and stress was wildly accepted as part of the job, especially where little to no health and wellbeing practices actually take place. I often wondered why I constantly felt stress until I read How to Eliminate Stress, a book by ____.

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Seeing possibilities instead of failures

Your brain is a magnificent piece of software designed to protect you, it wants to see risk, it wants to warn you of failures it’s go to is not ‘look at the possibilities’ this is why you need to choose to do this for yourself.

Life is full of possibilities but what if you see the possibility to fail instead of the possibility to succeed? It is going to make success a harder journey for you isn’t it? This is where the human mind is fascinating, it wants to protect us from risk, it wants to warn us that we mightn’t be accepted for the changes we make, it essentially wants us to play small. Here’s the thing: the mind isn’t a fortune teller so it actually doesn’t know what the real possibilities are.

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Julia TraskComment
The grounding capacity of nature!

You spend most of your time indoors either behind your office desk, in airconditioned buildings or your car. It is easy to get through an entire day failing to step outside for a moment and actually take a minute. These artificial environments can unintentionally get you in a funk. Here’s 15 ways you can connect back to nature daily, ground yourself and feel so much better every single day.

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What is the inner child?

As a personal development junkie you’ve heard of the inner child by now. How can you uncover how she feels and how to have a great relationship with her?

The concept of your inner child refers to the little girl (or boy) inside of you that represents your childhood, what you learnt about being a great human, the beliefs and behaviours you have learnt, the way you process and express your emotions and how you learnt to turn up in the world. Everyone has an inner child. It is the playful, bold, unabashed version of ourselves that we find the more confidence we build. As adults we can become disconnected with who we are at our core, developing a relationship with your inner child, understanding how she felt, was seen and empowered helps you to understand the fundmentals of what makes you, you today.

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Get back up when you get knocked down

How many articles, stories and news segments have you seen dedicated to COVID stressors? Millions, right?! COVID has brought up challenges for everyone but so does life outside of a global pandemic. It is at times like these during unusual circumstances that life’s general hurdles impact us more because we simply have more on our plate. So how do you improve your resilience?

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Ask for help!

Do you know you want support with something, but you don’t like asking for it? Do you feel that you are a burden to others? Needing to ask for help can make you feel inadequate. ‘I should know how to solve this myself’ may be some of the words cruising around in your head right now but here’s the thing…you aren’t meant to have all the answers and you certainly aren’t meant to do things on your own.

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Julia TraskComment
How regain calm & avoid spiralling out of control

Control feels amazing doesn’t it? Control gives you certainty about what is going to happen in your life, it makes you feel safe and secure. It’s no surprise that spiralling out of control feels rubbish, scary and completely overwhelming but are you stuck on the rat wheel because you keep putting out the emotions that got you stuck and overwhelmed in the first place?

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Julia TraskComment
Controlling how you respond to people

Responding to people who are kind, respectful and generous is easy but we aren’t always blessed with these kinds of people we are confronted by people with different values, attitudes and beliefs that challenge us. The conversations we have with these people can be downright rude and disrespectful so how do you respond to these people?

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Julia TraskComment
How you can be of benefit to others

Stop thinking you have nothing to offer, start recognising how much you do.

At different stages of growth business owners can find themselves wondering, ‘How can I be of benefit to others, I’m not a superstar, I am just me, do I have enough to offer?’ It can paralyse you from moving forward. When you are a business owner you are going to second guess yourself, possibly at every stage of growth so you need to remember why you do what you do and how it helps others. To ensure that you help others in a positive way here are 10 tips I use from my own experience.

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Julia TraskComment
Patience Please!

Recently I polled people about what they need to learn the most about developing confidence and they responded with, patience. Having the ability to accept or tolerate hurdles without becoming annoyed or anxious is an art but how does it help you build confidence? Here’s how.

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Julia TraskComment
How to handle stress

Recently I read this book about stress that helped me to shift my perspective on the amount of stress in my life. I am always looking for ways to find more peace in life and work smarter not harder so this book was perfect. It required you to dive into your stress story so I want to help you do the same.

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Julia TraskComment
How to see opportunities not failures

I see failures not opportunities- how do I change this?

Our human brain is designed to protect us from harm so we are constantly scanning the environment for risk. The more we can control our environment the easier it is for us to remain safe. Unfortunately, this also means that we don’t take healthy risks often enough because we are seeing failure or risk and not opportunities. So how do you change that?

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Julia TraskComment
Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity for you to show how much you love your significant other. It can be mind boggling and incredibly expensive if you aren’t sure where to start as there are so many advertising campaigns notifying you of ideas left, right and centre. So in this post I share my suggestions WITHOUT advertising so you don’t feel even more bombarded. Take a read and see what you think.

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Julia TraskComment
how relationships work

You’ve been fed a lie- relationships don’t just work they require work. Society has been showcasing to us through movies from Disney through to adult rom coms that relationships just work regardless of what happens in them. We walk into relationships with an ideal in our head of how it should be but it isn’t until we learn all about ourselves in the company of someone else that we realise relationships are hard work and completely worthwhile all at the same time.

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Julia TraskComment
Vicariously living through someone else’s fun

As an adult do you ever catch yourself saying ‘I’ll just live vicariously through you’? Adults can become ok with simply witnessing fun instead of experiencing it, but it doesn’t mean that we are satisfied with the level of fun we have in our lives. Here’s 20 ways you can add more fun to your life and stop vicariously living through others.

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Julia TraskComment
Why serving others first ruins your relationships

When people start turning up for themselves, guess what happens? Other people turn up for them! It's this really crazy notion that we grew up with thinking that we can't put ourselves first, so we start serving other people which is really noble, but we often do it at the cost of our own health, our relationship with ourselves and our happiness. We often never ask ourselves what do I want? Do I actually even want to be here right now? Where do I sit on my priority list?

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