Posts in Blog
Where should I start building self awareness?

Building self-awareness takes time and effort, but it is a valuable investment in your personal growth and well-being. By taking small steps and being patient with yourself, you can gradually build a more complete and accurate understanding of who you are and what you need to be happy and fulfilled. The easiest place to start tapping into your awareness is to ask yourself who am I? What do I value? What do I want out of life and why? From here you can learn about yourself, why you do what you do, why you think how you do and how that impacts confidence in your life across the 8 dimensions of health.

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Knowing your own thoughts

You get up in the morning walk to the bathroom, go to the toilet, wash your face, and look at yourself barefaced in the mirror, ‘Hello again’. Your hair looks like a birds next from the seriously good sleep you had yet you see those dark circles under your eyes, ‘Why do I always look so tired, I guess this is as good as it gets.’ As you’re making breakfast you think to yourself ‘Far out I have so much to do today, I should have done more yesterday. I need to get my act together’. Before long you’ve dished yourself a dose of negative to begin a brand new day. Are you even aware that you do it?

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How to stop focusing on what others think of you

From the time you were a child you learnt to do as you were told and follow instructions. How your parents, role models and other children interacted with you taught you whether you were doing the right thing or not. But as you grew up into the teenage years and then adulthood you began forming your idea about how you want to live your life, you started fighting for what you felt you had the right to do but you still cared about what others think. In some way you are always going to care about what others think of you, but you can stop focusing on these opinions.

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I self-reject- why?

Every person on the planet is afraid of rejection, eager to avoid it at all costs yet some people still choose to self-reject. Why is that and how can you fix this?

Self-rejection is a really easy thing to achieve if you do not accept yourself. It begins by not acknowledging your successes, the positive choices you make and the growth that you have personally and professionally. It then moves on to denying what you know you deserve and settling for less. From here it leads to the frustration that others are increasingly rejecting you but the problem didn’t start with anyone but yourself.

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Self- compassion

You are so hard on yourself. This is a phrase that you may have heard before. It’s usually followed up with ‘be kind to yourself; but how do you do that and ensure you achieve the success you desire? Doesn’t kindness take you off the hook?

Self-compassion is essential for building confidence. While it is understandable that high performers like yourself want you to push yourself, you cannot do it at the expense of your confidence. Confidence isn’t built out of self-loathing so you have to define what kindness is to you to actually be kind to yourself.

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What is the inner child?

As a personal development junkie you’ve heard of the inner child by now. How can you uncover how she feels and how to have a great relationship with her?

The concept of your inner child refers to the little girl (or boy) inside of you that represents your childhood, what you learnt about being a great human, the beliefs and behaviours you have learnt, the way you process and express your emotions and how you learnt to turn up in the world. Everyone has an inner child. It is the playful, bold, unabashed version of ourselves that we find the more confidence we build. As adults we can become disconnected with who we are at our core, developing a relationship with your inner child, understanding how she felt, was seen and empowered helps you to understand the fundmentals of what makes you, you today.

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Get back up when you get knocked down

How many articles, stories and news segments have you seen dedicated to COVID stressors? Millions, right?! COVID has brought up challenges for everyone but so does life outside of a global pandemic. It is at times like these during unusual circumstances that life’s general hurdles impact us more because we simply have more on our plate. So how do you improve your resilience?

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Why serving others first ruins your relationships

When people start turning up for themselves, guess what happens? Other people turn up for them! It's this really crazy notion that we grew up with thinking that we can't put ourselves first, so we start serving other people which is really noble, but we often do it at the cost of our own health, our relationship with ourselves and our happiness. We often never ask ourselves what do I want? Do I actually even want to be here right now? Where do I sit on my priority list?

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52 episodes of The Impact of Mindset have aired! WOOHOO!

Magnetic Confidence has hit another milestone. The Impact of Mindset has now hit 52 episodes! An entire year of interviewing people, sharing my raw and real messages about how your mindset impacts you and how you can improve it. I’m so proud of how the podcast has gone and I’m looking forward to seeing more people fall in love with it over time. To celebrate this moment I want to pause and enjoy the highlights of the past year.

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What is your journey with mental health?

October is Mental Health Awareness Month in Australia so I thought I’d share my journey with mental health to demonstrate the importance of the need for a perception shift in what mental health means. Like everything I talk to clients about its best to be raw and real to take full ownership of what is and how you can change it. So here is my very real account of how society influenced my attitude towards mental health and how developing my awareness changed everything.

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How to develop authenticity

The key to being magnetically confident is to develop your authenticity, because the more authentic you are the more likely it is that people are going to engage with you. People recognise something beautiful in authenticity- awareness, humility, self acceptance and honesty. They know that with an authentic person there is no second guessing, they can simply enjoy someone’s company without wondering about an agenda, who they really are or needing to impress them because they know the only way to impress someone is to truly be yourself. This eliminates stress, creating ease for those individuals the confident person engages with which makes them even more magnetic. So how do you develop the authenticity to draw people closer to you on a daily basis? Here are my 10 steps to Developing Authenticity.

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Habit Coaching has landed!

Your habits are the foundation of building confidence. Confidence is built on our mindset and our ability to feel competent at what we do. Every day we habitually do tasks, some that help us and some that hinder us. When we master the art of habits we can increase our results in our life, improving our health, happiness and success. The more habits we conquer the more confidence we feel because each of these habits require consistency and commitment. You aren’t going to feel like always doing the things that are important to you, it will require grit. What I’ve established is that my clients typically have a mixture of helpful and unhelpful habits. I wanted to enable them to achieve greater success to reach higher levels of performance and health so I created Habit Coaching.

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How to be more accountable

Goal setting is a great tool to help us achieve what we want but it is null and void without accountability. So how do we ensure that we are accountable to achieve the goals we set for ourselves? There are many ways you can do it but in this modern era I believe the best ways are harnessing the use of technology so that we maximise what is already in our hands whilst rewiring the reasons why we engage with tech. This way we don’t perceive ourselves as doing something extra and we can harness the power of positive peer pressure. This is why I created the Daily Journal.

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