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25 Podcast Episodes Down!

On January 4 we launch the podcast impact of mindset. It was incredibly exciting to begin the journey into podcasting for the very first time and interview people that are inspirational have great insight into their own self-awareness and can really motivate other people with their stories.

Since January 4 we have had 25 episodes and I’m incredibly pleased about how well it has been received. I first started preparing for my podcast back in October 2020 I had no idea how much I would fall in love with my podcast. The reality is that podcasting lights me up, I really enjoy having conversations with other business owners & high-performers and I adore getting great feedback from people about how they loved interviews with different guests that they really got something out of the content that would be producing as part of the podcast.

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Ingenuity meets fashion

I got sucked in by the Rockwear sale. It’s really not hard, the company is incredibly inclusive, caters for women who have curves and is super down to earth. So needless to say when they have a sale I find it takes a lot of self control not to buy new workout gear. With Toowoomba hitting 0.3 of a degree when I rose at 5am to workout earlier this week it just made sense to purchase more tights.

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How to support your child to chase their sporting goals.

Years ago, I thought my greatest dream was to become a professional footballer, then at the age of 22 I was faced with the reality that I would have to work multiple jobs while also completing a heavy training schedule 3 hours away from where I lived on a regular basis, all because female athletes were paid measly wages. This combined with my desire to be a mum before I was 35 felt like a pressure cooker of decisions that directed what I would do next in sport. Not wanting to give up motherhood for sport, nor a career I had only just started I stayed with my career and stepped away from trying again to make it happen, it helped that an epic injury followed later that prevented me from playing football again. Looking back at those decisions now as a single, 35 year old it all feels ironic. I cannot change the decisions that I made, and I don’t have regrets, but I do want to share what I have learnt about chasing high performance in sport for upcoming athletes and parents that endeavour to support them.

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How I practice self- care

Self-care is what keeps me sane, without self-care I cannot look after anyone else and as a coach that is everything that I do so essentially if I get it wrong, I cannot do my job. This is a distinction I think is important for anyone who works in the health and wellbeing space to get. Self-care is the foundation for your business.

So, are you looking for inspiration for how to practice self- care? Here are the things that I do to look after myself on a regular basis.

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Drive in neutral to get your health back

In our cars neutral just lets our car stay where it is, we don’t move forward or backwards, but it does allow our car to turn on without it going backwards. When life is tough, we need to put ourselves in neutral. Neutral gives us a place to operate with where we can go forward and to be honest, like a car, once we are here we are more likely to move forward than we are to go backwards.

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Mental Health IS Physical

How many times have you participated in exercise where you felt better afterwards? Many, right? This effect is proof that mental health is also physical. For generations we have spoken about mental health as if it’s a separate issue but it isn’t. Society knows that when we exercise we feel better, our mood is better, our productivity is better and our success is greater, so why don’t we treat our mental health as part of our physical health?

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The female monkey mind & fertility

It’s my birthday and you know what that means I have hit another age bracket on a survey form. You might think that’s absolutely ridiculous but you usually get a few years when you don’t have to think about this we can take the same box and move on with your life but this year 35 feels different and here is why.

Several years ago I made a decision for myself not really fully understanding what that decision was, you see I made a pact with myself that I would become a mum by the time I’m 35. I didn’t have to have a baby physically in my hands but my birthday but I would need to be pregnant in the year of my 35th birthday the only problem is today is my 35th birthday.

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Our Podcast, The Impact of Mindset, is Launching January 4!

I have decided to begin a podcast! This is a very exciting time for me, I’m really looking forward to hearing & seeing what you will enjoy about it.

The impact of mindset begins on January 4 2021. It has been a process I’ve been working on since October 2020 when I realise there was no need for me to hold back on the 2021 goal and that I should just do it right now. I’m so pleased that I have because we just days away from you getting to experience the very first episode of the impact of mindset.

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#EachforEqual with Harriet Bratt

Today’s blog is graced by Harriet Bratt an International Speaker, Mentor and Warrior who encourages others to do what inspires them through teaching confidence, communication and connection. Harriet was first compelled to be a business owner when she was searching for more flexibility and lifestyle but the passion for her mission came when she experienced her own transformation and she desired to help others step into their personal strength and unleash the Warrior Within.

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Self made entrepreneurs don't exist

I’d love to meet an entrepreneur that received ZERO help. Personally, I believe the self-made entrepreneur doesn’t exist, well perhaps maybe with the exception of a narcissist’s mind. Over the past 5 years, I have met a variety of people who work in diverse fields and very few of them call themselves self-made but there are still far too many articles, news clips, and books obsessed with the ‘self-made’ title. While I understand that your ego can encourage you to pride yourself on how much you have learned and what you have done in business over time I believe the self-made entrepreneur is exhausted, broke, and hiding a deep hatred for the business they once loved. Sadly though, this is a reality for many business owners who believe that they have to do it all on their own in order to be successful.

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How to be a hot date

Men and women all love a hot date. There is nothing better than being valued, respected, to have fun and be embraced for who you are. Being a hot date is not something that comes naturally for some however, so we’ve created some tips to make you a hot date whether you are a man or a lady and are seeking to make a great impression. To finish it all off we have given our Top 3 tips for Hot Couples. Take a read and share with us how these help you to up your dating game.

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How to get (and maintain) a positive relationship

Positive Relationships are where it is at! For those that don’t know a positive relationship is vastly different to a relationship because it means that your partner is dedicated to seeing you happy, healthy and continually growing. Positive relationships are freeing, loving, respectful, they encourage you to become a better version of yourself. For those of you who are looking to get into a positive relationship or make changes to your current one for the benefit of both of you here are a few suggestions to get you started.

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Relationship readiness

How do you know you are ready for a relationship? In days of the past relationships followed a rigid structure that helped confirm whether someone was in a relationship or no but it didn’t necessarily leave much room for spontaneity or romance. Today more often than not relationships seem to just ‘appear’ to have happened one day through a relaxed conversation after a certain period of dating (which is different for everyone). So the question is, how do we know when we are ready for a relationship? I’ve compiled a list of the signs you can spot to identify when you are NOT ready and when you are. Take a read & find out if you are relationship ready!

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Does a relationship mean you’ve got yourself sorted?

I recently asked on Facebook and Instagram whether or not a relationship means that you have got yourself sorted or whether it simply means you are in a relationship. The poll results were interesting for 2 reasons. Most people said that they believed being a relationship simply meant you were in a relationship but those that disagreed were men, they felt that a relationship indicated to them that they were doing something right, as if the relationship was serving as a kind of positive feedback loop. Read of to find out what we thought about this poll.

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How to add exercise to your day

In society we have an increase in technology, we have an increase in convenience and we also have the means to increase our ability to skip regular exercise. Regularly skipping out exercise often makes us feel as though completing one workout is some sort of insurmountable task. The reality is, doing 10,000 steps is a very simple thing to get done. Read on to find out our strategies for adding exercise to your day.

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Work life balance doesn't exist- dispelling the myth

There are multiple people in the corporate world right now including coaches who suggest that work-life balance doesn’t exist but at Julia Trask Coaching we believe this attitude is just another way to ensure that you don’t take time for yourself and instead focus too heavily on one aspect of your life. This is why we often talk about life-work balance because we believe that life happens when work doesn’t take over the living and that it in fact is not elusive nor far fetched at all but essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Using your skills or dying with passion

One of the greatest things about running a business is that you do it with passion. In those beginning days where you set up your products and services, you work your butt off to make sure everything turns out the best that it possibly can for the skills that you have at the time. The process continues on a rinse and repeat cycle for as long as you have a business, I’ve been loving this for the past 4 and a half years. In fact, it’s this raw passion that separates the ‘everyday job’ from entrepreneurship for me, and its why I can happily choose to start my workday at 10 pm and work for 6 hours after an entirely chilled out day or why I have been happy to stay in so many nights that others were going out.

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