Commitments you need to make to yourself when you get in a relationship

Being in a relationship is a wonderful thing, you feel a sense of belonging and an immediate feeling of being enough. However, to keep a relationship going well you need to prioritise a commitment to yourself, this way you won’t look back on your time and think ‘I lost myself’. This tends to happen in toxic and positive relationships and it’s nothing to do with the partner but rather about how much you value yourself. Here are 10 commitments you need to make to yourself when you get in a relationship, they are perfect for newly coupled individuals or people looking to sustain a great relationship for life. Take a read.

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How to commit to a relationship if you are afraid of getting hurt

In modern dating you may hear people say that they don’t want to experience drama, they want something casual because they are done being hurt. Reality is, everyone on the planet has been hurt before. When you are single and not in a relationship you get hurt as well, by shutting people out and not allowing them to love you. But what happens if you want a relationship, but you are scared of getting hurt yet you don’t want to pass a seriously great person by? Here are 6 tips to drop the fear and open yourself up to the greatest joy: love.

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Reasons why you need a confidence coach

‘I need a confidence coach!’ This is the most common comment I received from others when they learn that I am a confidence coach. But happens if you aren’t aware of what a confidence coach does and how they can help you? Chances are you won’t reach out for help if you don’t feel that you need assistance. Some people think that a confidence coach simply helps you to become a great public speaker few understand that a confidence coach dives far deeper than that because confidence coaching isn’t about the mechanics of how to move (or do certain things) but rather why you make the moves you do.

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How to improve your self confidence

Do you wish you had greater self confidence? Many people can easily recognise where they feel confident and where they do not in their lives but how do you improve your confidence if you’ve never really felt successful in different areas of your life?

Confidence begins with self awareness, an understanding of who you are, what you do, why you are the way you are and your recognition that you can always find solutions to challenges and have done in the past.

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New Year, New Intentions...right?

You’ve entered a new year so surely you have new intentions for the following new, shiny 365 days right? Maybe not. For many people who maintain their confidence at positive levels a new year simply means continuing the great things from the previous year, dialling in on the intention and creating some small goals. How you start your year sets the tone for what is to come, so have you thrown the baby out with the bath water or have you started completely anew and what is best for you?

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20 personal development tools

If you are a high performer there’s a high chance you are a personal development junkie. High performers know that performance comes from having your life in balance and prioritising career and health equally as one directly affects the other. There are so many ways that you can grow into the person you want to become here and 20 tools to help you do that.

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10 Reasons why someone is lovable

When your confidence takes a hit you tend to start noticing people with confidence more often, getting envious and even jealous that you were them. ‘She has it so easy, look how confident she is!’ Truth is, having confidence isn’t as easy as deciding you want to be confident and then it happens. Those women you are envious of have put in the work, to love and accept themselves and be an all round awesome human being. You can have ease, feel confident and enjoy life more too when you understand what makes others fall in love with you easily. Here are 10 traits that makes anyone lovable.

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Why people do not invest in themselves & how not to be like them

Everyone knows that action helps build confidence, still many people do not take the action that will enable it. Why? The action that is required to build confidence is not the same as lifting a set of weights for 12 reps at the gym. Action that breeds confidence requires you to unpack who you are, your decisions, behaviours, accountability (or lack thereof), when many start this journey they focus on the negative more than the positive, they become filled with self judgement and frozen in commitment.

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Where should I start building self awareness?

Building self-awareness takes time and effort, but it is a valuable investment in your personal growth and well-being. By taking small steps and being patient with yourself, you can gradually build a more complete and accurate understanding of who you are and what you need to be happy and fulfilled. The easiest place to start tapping into your awareness is to ask yourself who am I? What do I value? What do I want out of life and why? From here you can learn about yourself, why you do what you do, why you think how you do and how that impacts confidence in your life across the 8 dimensions of health.

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Knowing your own thoughts

You get up in the morning walk to the bathroom, go to the toilet, wash your face, and look at yourself barefaced in the mirror, ‘Hello again’. Your hair looks like a birds next from the seriously good sleep you had yet you see those dark circles under your eyes, ‘Why do I always look so tired, I guess this is as good as it gets.’ As you’re making breakfast you think to yourself ‘Far out I have so much to do today, I should have done more yesterday. I need to get my act together’. Before long you’ve dished yourself a dose of negative to begin a brand new day. Are you even aware that you do it?

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How to stop focusing on what others think of you

From the time you were a child you learnt to do as you were told and follow instructions. How your parents, role models and other children interacted with you taught you whether you were doing the right thing or not. But as you grew up into the teenage years and then adulthood you began forming your idea about how you want to live your life, you started fighting for what you felt you had the right to do but you still cared about what others think. In some way you are always going to care about what others think of you, but you can stop focusing on these opinions.

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Understanding projection

Projection is when we feel comfortable to identify an issue with someone else all the while not recognising, we have identified an issue within ourselves as well.

‘You’re always late, you never consider my time’ says a friend who has turned up on time once to your 99 times and 1 late arrival.

‘You have got so many problems to fix, it’s high time you start working on yourself!’ Says the person who hasn’t seen a psychologist or coach, is often angry and lashes out at others.

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I self-reject- why?

Every person on the planet is afraid of rejection, eager to avoid it at all costs yet some people still choose to self-reject. Why is that and how can you fix this?

Self-rejection is a really easy thing to achieve if you do not accept yourself. It begins by not acknowledging your successes, the positive choices you make and the growth that you have personally and professionally. It then moves on to denying what you know you deserve and settling for less. From here it leads to the frustration that others are increasingly rejecting you but the problem didn’t start with anyone but yourself.

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You do have something to offer (stop thinking you don’t)

‘Can I really do that though? I mean who wants to hear from me?’

When you examine social interactions between people it is really easy to pick up who is communicating what people want to hear as opposed to who they are.

‘What would you like to know?’ you ask, when really it has nothing to do about what the other person wants to know but what you feel is important to convey to them at that time.

‘I’d love to run a business, but don’t I need to have everything sorted, have a big bank account and a lot of confidence before someone will buy? Won’t they just look at me and go nope?’

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Self- compassion

You are so hard on yourself. This is a phrase that you may have heard before. It’s usually followed up with ‘be kind to yourself; but how do you do that and ensure you achieve the success you desire? Doesn’t kindness take you off the hook?

Self-compassion is essential for building confidence. While it is understandable that high performers like yourself want you to push yourself, you cannot do it at the expense of your confidence. Confidence isn’t built out of self-loathing so you have to define what kindness is to you to actually be kind to yourself.

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Personal training: my new journey

I have begun studying personal training myself. It has been a long time coming but now is definitely the right time. I enjoy studying and cannot believe it has been 18 years since I first started formal education beyond the schooling years. I still get just as excited as I did before I moved to Toowoomba for university in 2004. I’m very excited for what lies ahead and I love that my previous experience as a health and HPE teacher plus the ‘boss’ of several personal trainers has given me a fabulous platform to know how to deliver personal training to you well.

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